107 fprintf(
" L( X-ray):%9.4f L(BalC):%9.4f Q(Balmer C):%9.4f\n",
111 fprintf(
"\n\n WARNING - the continuum has a luminosity %.2e times greater than the sun.\n",
112 exp10( pionl-log10(SOLAR_LUMINOSITY) ) );
113 fprintf(
" WARNING - Is this correct? Check the luminosity commands.\n\n\n");
120 fprintf(
" I( X-ray):%9.4f I(BalC):%9.4f Phi(BalmrC):%9.4f\n",
156 " Q(1.0-1.8):%9.4f Q(1.8-4.0):%9.4f Q(4.0-20):"
157 "%9.4f Q(20--):%9.4f Ion pht flx:",
167 " phi(1.0-1.8):%7.4f phi(1.8-4.0):%7.3f phi(4.0-20):"
168 "%7.3f phi(20--):%7.3f Ion pht flx:",
230 " L(gam ray):%9.4f Q(gam ray):%9.4f L(Infred):%9.4f Alf(ox):%9.4f Total lumin:%9.4f\n",
237 " I(gam ray):%9.4f phi(gam r):%9.4f I(Infred):%9.4f Alf(ox):%9.4f Total inten:%9.4f\n",
245 solar = absbol = -38.;
249 absbol = 2.5*(log10(MBOL_ZERO_LUMINOSITY/SOLAR_LUMINOSITY) - solar);
269 bolc = absbol - absv;
271 " log L/Lsun:%9.4f Abs bol mg:%9.4f Abs V mag:%9.4f Bol cor:%9.4f nuFnu(Bbet):%9.4f\n",
380 " >>>The radio brightness temperature is very large, %.2eK at %.2ecm. Is this physical???\n",
void PrintE93(FILE *, double)
double widflx(size_t i) const
void CloudyPrintReference()
double anu(size_t i) const
t_iso_sp iso_sp[NISO][LIMELM]
long ipoint(double energy_ryd)
realnum * OccNumbIncidCont
multi_arr< long, 3 > QuantumNumbers2Index
double anumin(size_t i) const
#define DEBUG_ENTRY(funcname)
void DatabasePrintReference()
int fprintf(const Output &stream, const char *format,...)
double anumax(size_t i) const
void PrintE82(FILE *, double)