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cddrive.cpp File Reference
#include "cddefines.h"
#include "cddrive.h"
#include "trace.h"
#include "conv.h"
#include "init.h"
#include "lines.h"
#include "pressure.h"
#include "dense.h"
#include "radius.h"
#include "struc.h"
#include "mole.h"
#include "elementnames.h"
#include "mean.h"
#include "phycon.h"
#include "called.h"
#include "parse.h"
#include "input.h"
#include "taulines.h"
#include "version.h"
#include "thermal.h"
#include "grid.h"
#include "timesc.h"
#include "cloudy.h"
#include "warnings.h"
#include "broke.h"
#include "iso.h"
#include "save.h"
#include "rfield.h"
#include "lines_service.h"
#include "service.h"
#include "parser.h"
#include "generic_state.h"
#include "prt.h"
#include "noexec.h"
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
Include dependency graph for cddrive.cpp:

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int cdDrive ()
void cdReasonGeo (FILE *ioOUT)
void cdWarnings (FILE *ioPNT)
void cdCautions (FILE *ioOUT)
void cdTimescales (double *TTherm, double *THRecom, double *TH2)
void cdSurprises (FILE *ioOUT)
void cdNotes (FILE *ioOUT)
double cdCooling_last ()
void cdVersion (char chString[])
void cdDate (char chString[])
double cdHeating_last ()
double cdEDEN_last ()
void cdNoExec ()
STATIC void cdClock (struct timeval *clock_dat)
void cdSetExecTime ()
double cdExecTime ()
long cdMemory ()
void cdPrintCommands (FILE *ioOUT)
void cdEmis (const char *chLabel, realnum wavelength, double *emiss, bool lgEmergent)
void cdEmis_ip (long int ipLine, double *emiss, bool lgEmergent)
int cdColm (const char *chLabel, long int ion, double *theocl)
void cdErrors (FILE *ioOUT)
void cdDepth_depth (double cdDepth[])
void cdPressure_depth (double TotalPressure[], double GasPressure[], double RadiationPressure[])
void cdPressure_last (double *PresTotal, double *PresGas, double *PresRad)
long int cdnZone ()
double cdTemp_last ()
int cdIonFrac (const char *chLabel, long int IonStage, double *fracin, const char *chWeight, bool lgDensity)
long debugLine (realnum wavelength)
long int cdLine (const char *chLabel, realnum wavelength, double *relint, double *absint)
long int cdLine (const char *chLabel, realnum wavelength, double *relint, double *absint, int LineType)
void cdLine_ip (long int ipLine, double *relint, double *absint)
void cdLine_ip (long int ipLine, double *relint, double *absint, int LineType)
void cdNwcns (bool *lgAbort_ret, long int *NumberWarnings, long int *NumberCautions, long int *NumberNotes, long int *NumberSurprises, long int *NumberTempFailures, long int *NumberPresFailures, long int *NumberIonFailures, long int *NumberNeFailures)
void cdOutput (const string &filename, const char *mode)
void cdOutput (const string &filename, FILE *fp)
void cdInput (const string &filename, const char *mode)
void cdTalk (bool lgTOn)
double cdB21cm ()
int cdTemp (const char *chLabel, long int IonStage, double *TeMean, const char *chWeight)
int cdRead (const char *chInputLine)
void cdClosePunchFiles ()


static bool lgCalled =false
static struct timeval before

Function Documentation

double cdB21cm ( )

cdB21cm returns B as measured by 21 cm assumes tangled field weighted by n(H0)/T

Definition at line 1270 of file cddrive.cpp.

References DEBUG_ENTRY, mean, SMALLFLOAT, and t_mean::TempB_HarMean.

Referenced by PrtFinal().

void cdCautions ( FILE *  )

produces list of cautions

Definition at line 219 of file cddrive.cpp.

References t_warnings::chCaunln, DEBUG_ENTRY, fprintf(), t_warnings::ncaun, and warnings.

Referenced by cdErrors(), PrtComment(), SaveLineIntensity(), SaveResults(), and ShowMe().

Here is the call graph for this function:

STATIC void cdClock ( struct timeval *  clock_dat)

Definition at line 441 of file cddrive.cpp.

References cdEXIT, DEBUG_ENTRY, EXIT_FAILURE, fprintf(), and ioQQQ.

Referenced by cdExecTime(), and cdSetExecTime().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void cdClosePunchFiles ( )

wrapper to close all save files

Definition at line 1644 of file cddrive.cpp.

References CloseSaveFiles(), and DEBUG_ENTRY.

Here is the call graph for this function:

int cdColm ( const char *  chLabel,
long int  ion,
double *  theocl 
double cdCooling_last ( )

cdCooling_last The returns the total cooling (erg cm^-3 s^-1) for the last computed zone

Definition at line 334 of file cddrive.cpp.

References t_thermal::ctot, and thermal.

void cdDate ( char  chString[])

cdDate The argument is a string with at least 8 char that will receive a null terminated string with the date of the current version of the code.

Definition at line 362 of file cddrive.cpp.

References Singleton< t_version >::Inst().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void cdDepth_depth ( double  cdDepth[])

returns depth structure of previous model


Definition at line 813 of file cddrive.cpp.

References DEBUG_ENTRY, t_struc::depth, nzone, and struc.

int cdDrive ( )

cdDrive This command actually computes a model. It returns 0 if the calculation was successful, and 1 if an error condition was encountered

Definition at line 81 of file cddrive.cpp.

References cdEXIT, cloudy(), DEBUG_ENTRY, EXIT_FAILURE, fprintf(), grid, grid_do(), InitCoreload(), t_mesh::InitMesh(), input, ioQQQ, lgAbort, lgcdInitCalled, t_grid::lgInsideGrid, t_optimize::lgNoVary, t_optimize::lgOptimr, t_trace::lgTrace, t_optimize::lgVaryOn, t_mesh::ncells(), t_rfield::nflux, t_rfield::nflux_with_check, t_rfield::nPositive, t_input::nSave, optimize, rfield, and trace.

Referenced by cdMain().

Here is the call graph for this function:

double cdEDEN_last ( )

cdEDEN_last return electron density of last zone

Definition at line 389 of file cddrive.cpp.

References dense, and t_dense::eden.

void cdEmis ( const char *  chLabel,
realnum  wavelength,
double *  emiss,
bool  lgEmergent 

cdEms obtain the local emissivity for a line, for the last computed zone

Definition at line 552 of file cddrive.cpp.

References cdEmis(), DEBUG_ENTRY, t_LineSave::findline(), t_LineSave::lines, and LineSave.

Referenced by cdEmis(), and cdEmis_ip().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void cdEmis_ip ( long int  ipLine,
double *  emiss,
bool  lgEmergent 

cdEms_ip obtain the local emissivity for a line with known index

ipLineindex of the line in the stack
*emissthe vol emissivity of this line in last computed zone
lgEmergentintrinsic or emergent emissivities

Definition at line 570 of file cddrive.cpp.

References ASSERT, cdEmis(), DEBUG_ENTRY, t_LineSave::lines, LineSave, and t_LineSave::nsum.

Referenced by save_line().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void cdErrors ( FILE *  )

cdErrors After the calculation is completed, a summary of all error messages can be be generated by calling this routine. The argument is the output file

[out]*ioOUToutput file

Definition at line 747 of file cddrive.cpp.

References cdCautions(), cdNwcns(), cdWarnings(), t_input::chTitle, DEBUG_ENTRY, fprintf(), and input.

Here is the call graph for this function:

double cdExecTime ( )

cdExecTime returns the elapsed time cpu time (sec) that has elapsed since cdInit called cdSetExecTime.

Definition at line 478 of file cddrive.cpp.

References before, cdClock(), cdEXIT, DEBUG_ENTRY, EXIT_FAILURE, fprintf(), ioQQQ, and lgCalled.

Referenced by cdMain(), PrtFinal(), and SaveDo().

Here is the call graph for this function:

double cdHeating_last ( )

cdHeating_last returns the total heating (erg cm^-3 s^-1) for the last computed zone

Definition at line 376 of file cddrive.cpp.

References t_thermal::htot, and thermal.

void cdInput ( const string &  filename = "",
const char *  mode = "r" 

cdInput This tells the code where to get input. The arguments are as for the stdio.h fopen call, but the resulting file pointer is checked for validity. All further input will come from this file. If filename = "", input is switched to stdin (and mode is ignored). If this routine is not called then all input will come from stdin, the standard c input

Definition at line 1232 of file cddrive.cpp.

References AS_LOCAL_ONLY_TRY, cdEXIT, DEBUG_ENTRY, ES_FAILURE, fprintf(), ioQQQ, ioStdin, and open_data().

Referenced by cdMain(), and cdPrepareExit().

Here is the call graph for this function:

int cdIonFrac ( const char *  chLabel,
long int  IonStage,
double *  fracin,
const char *  chWeight,
bool  lgDensity 
 * cdIonFrac
 * This returns the ionization fraction for any element included in the calculation. 
 * The first parameter is 4 char null terminated string giving the first 4 letters of
 * element name as spelled by Cloudy.  
 * The second parameter is an integer giving the ionization stage, 
 * 1 for atom, 2 for first ion, etc.
 * The third parameter returns the predicted ionization fraction of that ion stage.
 * The last parameter is an 8 character + null string that says either "volume" or "radius",
 * to specify whether the average should be weighted by volume or radius.
 * The return value is 0 if the routine could find the species and
 * non-zero if it failed to find the element 
*chLabelfour char string, null terminated, giving the element name
IonStageIonStage is ionization stage, 1 for atom, up to N+1 where N is atomic number
*fracinwill be fractional ionization
*chWeighthow to weight the average, must be "VOLUME" or "RADIUS"
lgDensityif true then weighting also has electron density, if false then only volume or radius

Definition at line 909 of file cddrive.cpp.

References caps(), t_elementnames::chElementNameShort, DEBUG_ENTRY, elementnames, exp10(), fprintf(), INPUT_LINE_LENGTH, ioQQQ, ipHYDROGEN, LIMELM, mean, t_mean::MeanIon(), and trimTrailingWhiteSpace().

Referenced by DynaPunchTimeDep(), lgCheckMonitors(), and save_average().

Here is the call graph for this function:

long int cdLine ( const char *  chLabel,
realnum  wavelength,
double *  relint,
double *  absint 

cdLine This routine finds the predicted intensity of any line in the standard output.

*chLabel1st parameter is the 4-char label + null terminated label, as it appears in the output.
wavelength2nd parameter is the float wavelength in Angstroms, not how it appears in printout. The first four digits must agree with the number in the printout, but the units must be Angstroms. 3rd parameter is the predicted intensity relative to the normalization line. 4th par is the log of the predicted luminosity or intensity of the line (ergs).
*relint5th is pointer to relative intensity, a double that is returned
*absint6th is pointer to log of absolute intensity
lEmergent- emergent or intrinsic intensity
return value: The routine returns an index (>0) of the array element within stack if it finds the line, It returns the negative of the total number of lines if it could not find the line. (this is a debugging aid) note that this returns a long int since there are LOTS of lines this also IS NOT the standard C convention for success or failure

Definition at line 1067 of file cddrive.cpp.

References cdLine(), and DEBUG_ENTRY.

Referenced by cdLine(), ConvIterCheck(), Drive_cdLine(), IterStart(), lgCheckMonitors(), lines(), PrtComment(), PrtFinal(), and SaveDo().

Here is the call graph for this function:

long int cdLine ( const char *  chLabel,
realnum  wavelength,
double *  relint,
double *  absint,
int  LineType 

Definition at line 1080 of file cddrive.cpp.

References cdLine_ip(), DEBUG_ENTRY, t_LineSave::findline(), and LineSave.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void cdLine_ip ( long int  ipLine,
double *  relint,
double *  absint 

Definition at line 1110 of file cddrive.cpp.

References cdLine_ip(), and DEBUG_ENTRY.

Referenced by cdLine(), cdLine_ip(), lgCheckMonitors(), PrtLineSum(), and save_line().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void cdLine_ip ( long int  ipLine,
double *  relint,
double *  absint,
int  LineType 

cdLine_ip get the predicted line intensity, using index for line in stack

*relintlinear intensity relative to normalization line
*absintlog of luminosity or intensity of line
lgEmergent- intrinsic or emergent intensity

Definition at line 1120 of file cddrive.cpp.

References ASSERT, t_radius::Conv2PrtInten, DEBUG_ENTRY, fprintf(), ioQQQ, t_LineSave::ipNormWavL, t_LineSave::lines, LineSave, t_LineSave::nsum, radius, and t_LineSave::ScaleNormLine.

Here is the call graph for this function:

long cdMemory ( )

Definition at line 503 of file cddrive.cpp.

References cdEXIT, EXIT_FAILURE, fprintf(), and ioQQQ.

Referenced by cdMain().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void cdNoExec ( )

cdNoExec This provides option to have the code prepare the initial conditions for a model, but not actually try to compute the model. I use this when setting up a large grid so that I can quickly run through the full grid as a check that the commands are entered properly and the parameters I am going to vary do so properly. The command is then commented out when the grid is properly set up.

Definition at line 403 of file cddrive.cpp.

References DEBUG_ENTRY, t_noexec::lgNoExec, and noexec.

void cdNotes ( FILE *  )

produces list of Notes

Definition at line 310 of file cddrive.cpp.

References t_warnings::chNoteln, DEBUG_ENTRY, fprintf(), t_warnings::nnote, and warnings.

Referenced by PrtComment().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void cdNwcns ( bool *  lgAbort,
long int *  NumberWarnings,
long int *  NumberCautions,
long int *  NumberNotes,
long int *  NumberSurprises,
long int *  NumberTempFailures,
long int *  NumberPresFailures,
long int *  NumberIonFailures,
long int *  NumberNeFailures 

cdNwcns This command returns the number of warnings, cautions, notes, surprises, assorted types of failures found the last computed model

*lgAbortabort status, if non-zero then big problems happened
*NumberWarningsthe number of warnings
*NumberCautionsthe number of cautions
*NumberNotesthe number of notes
*NumberSurprisesthe number of surprises
*NumberTempFailuresthe number of temperature convergence failures
*NumberPresFailuresthe number of pressure convergence failures
*NumberIonFailuresthe number of ionization convergence failures
*NumberNeFailuresthe number of electron density convergence failures

Definition at line 1173 of file cddrive.cpp.

References conv, DEBUG_ENTRY, lgAbort, t_warnings::nbang, t_warnings::ncaun, t_conv::nIonFail, t_conv::nNeFail, t_warnings::nnote, t_conv::nPreFail, t_conv::nTeFail, t_warnings::nwarn, and warnings.

Referenced by cdErrors(), cdMain(), and PrtComment().

long int cdnZone ( )

cdnZone returns number of zones

Definition at line 886 of file cddrive.cpp.

References nzone.

void cdOutput ( const string &  filename = "",
const char *  mode = "w" 

cdOutput This tells the code where to send output. The arguments are as for the stdio.h fopen call, but the resulting file pointer is checked for validity. All further log output will go to this file. If filename = "", output is switched to stdout (and mode is ignored). If this routine is not called then all output will go to stdout, the standard c output

Definition at line 1209 of file cddrive.cpp.

References AS_LOCAL_ONLY, t_save::chOutputFile, DEBUG_ENTRY, ioQQQ, open_data(), and save.

Referenced by cdMain(), and cdPrepareExit().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void cdOutput ( const string &  filename,
FILE *  fp 

Definition at line 1222 of file cddrive.cpp.

References t_save::chOutputFile, DEBUG_ENTRY, ioQQQ, and save.

void cdPressure_depth ( double  TotalPressure[],
double  GasPressure[],
double  RadiationPressure[] 

cdPressure_depth This returns the pressure and its constituents for the last iteration. space was allocated in the calling routine for the vectors - before calling this, cdnZone should have been called to get the number of zones, then space allocated for the arrays

TotalPressure[]total pressure, all forms
GasPressure[]gas pressure
RadiationPressure[]radiation pressure

Definition at line 838 of file cddrive.cpp.

References DEBUG_ENTRY, t_struc::GasPressure, nzone, t_struc::pres_radiation_lines_curr, t_struc::pressure, and struc.

void cdPressure_last ( double *  TotalPressure,
double *  GasPressure,
double *  RadiationPressure 

This returns the pressure and its constituents for the last computed zone.

*TotalPressuretotal pressure, all forms
*GasPressuregas pressure
*RadiationPressureradiation pressure

Definition at line 865 of file cddrive.cpp.

References DEBUG_ENTRY, t_pressure::pres_radiation_lines_curr, t_pressure::PresGasCurr, pressure, and t_pressure::PresTotlCurr.

void cdPrintCommands ( FILE *  )

cdPrintCommands( FILE *) This routine prints all input commands into file whose handle is the argument

*ioOUT[out] output file handle

Definition at line 527 of file cddrive.cpp.

References t_input::chCardSav, fprintf(), t_input::InclLevel, input, and t_input::nSave.

Referenced by ShowMe().

Here is the call graph for this function:

int cdRead ( const char *  )

cdRead This sends commands to the code. The normal set of commands described in Part I of Hazy must be entered into a null-terminated string. These strings are then fed to Cloudy with this command. The function returns the number of commands that can still be entered before the command stack is full. The code will stop if you try to continue giving it commands after the command has returned zero. This return value is the opposite of the standard - a non-zero return is normal

Definition at line 1466 of file cddrive.cpp.

References AS_SILENT_TRY, cdEXIT, t_input::chCardSav, t_input::chCardStrip, t_save::chOutputFile, t_input::curInclLevel, DEBUG_ENTRY, EXIT_FAILURE, exp10(), fprintf(), Parser::getNumberDefault(), grid, Parser::hasCommand(), t_input::InclLevel, input, INPUT_LINE_LENGTH, ioQQQ, lgcdInitCalled, t_grid::lgGrid, t_input::lgInitPresent, lgIsCommentSeq(), t_optimize::lgNoVary, t_optimize::lgOptimr, t_prt::lgPrintTime, t_input::lgSetNoBuffering, t_trace::lgTrace, t_optimize::lgVaryOn, min(), t_grid::nGridCommands, NKRD, Parser::nMatch(), t_input::nSave, open_data(), optimize, ParseInit(), prt, rfield, save, Parser::setline(), t_mesh::setResolutionScaleFactor(), StripComment(), and trace.

Referenced by cdMain(), and ParseInit().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void cdReasonGeo ( FILE *  )

This prints the reason why the model stopped, and the model geometry, on the io file pointed to by the file handle

Definition at line 170 of file cddrive.cpp.

References t_warnings::chRgcln, DEBUG_ENTRY, fprintf(), and warnings.

Referenced by PrtComment().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void cdSetExecTime ( )

normally called by cdInit, this routine sets initial variables for times

Definition at line 471 of file cddrive.cpp.

References before, cdClock(), and lgCalled.

Referenced by cdInit().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void cdSurprises ( FILE *  )

produces list of surprises

Definition at line 274 of file cddrive.cpp.

References broke, t_warnings::chBangln, DEBUG_ENTRY, fprintf(), Singleton< FixitList >::Inst(), t_broke::lgPrintFixits, FixitList::list, t_warnings::nbang, and warnings.

Referenced by PrtComment().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void cdTalk ( bool  )

cdTalk tells the code whether or not to produce any of its normal output, If the argument is true (or if it is not called at all) it produces output, produces no output if it is false

Definition at line 1257 of file cddrive.cpp.

References called, cpu, DEBUG_ENTRY, t_cpu::i(), t_cpu_i::lgMPI_talk(), t_called::lgTalk, and t_called::lgTalkForcedOff.

Here is the call graph for this function:

int cdTemp ( const char *  chLabel,
long int  IonStage,
double *  TeMean,
const char *  chWeight 
double cdTemp_last ( )

cdTemp_last returns the temperature of the last zone on last iteration

Definition at line 898 of file cddrive.cpp.

References phycon, and t_phycon::te.

void cdTimescales ( double *  TTherm,
double *  THRecom,
double *  TH2 

cdTimescales returns the longest thermal, recombination, and H2 formation timescales that occurred in the previous model

*TThermthe thermal cooling timescale
*THRecomthe hydrogen recombination timescale
*TH2the H2 formation timescale

Definition at line 242 of file cddrive.cpp.

References DEBUG_ENTRY, MAX2, t_timesc::time_H2_Dest_longest, t_timesc::time_H2_Form_longest, t_timesc::time_Hrecom_long, t_timesc::time_therm_long, and timesc.

void cdVersion ( char  chString[])

cdVersion The argument is a string with at least 8 characters that will receive a null terminated string with the version number of the code.

Definition at line 347 of file cddrive.cpp.

References Singleton< t_version >::Inst().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void cdWarnings ( FILE *  )

These routines produce lists of warnings, cautions, notes, surprises These are the routines that are called by cdErrors. Normally cdErrors and not these routines would be called by the user.

Definition at line 192 of file cddrive.cpp.

References t_warnings::chWarnln, DEBUG_ENTRY, fprintf(), t_warnings::nwarn, and warnings.

Referenced by cdErrors(), optimize_func(), PrtComment(), SaveLineIntensity(), SaveResults(), and ShowMe().

Here is the call graph for this function:

long debugLine ( realnum  wavelength)

debugLine provides a debugging hook into the main line array loops over whole array and finds every line that matches length, the wavelength, the argument to the function put breakpoint inside if test return value is number of matches, also prints all matches

[in]theemission line wavelength
[out]thenumber of matches

Definition at line 1032 of file cddrive.cpp.

References t_LineSave::lines, LineSave, t_LineSave::nsum, t_LineSave::sig_figs, wavelength, and WavlenErrorGet().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

struct timeval before

Definition at line 438 of file cddrive.cpp.

Referenced by cdExecTime(), and cdSetExecTime().

bool lgCalled =false

Definition at line 424 of file cddrive.cpp.

Referenced by cdExecTime(), cdSetExecTime(), ContBandsCreate(), da(), and ParseTable().