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Todo List
Global cdTemp (const char *chLabel, long int IonStage, double *TeMean, const char *chWeight)
2 this should have a last argument like cdIonFrac for whether or not weighting is wrt electron density
Global ChargTranEval (void)

1 update ct to Kimura et al. (1996)

1 above rate not intended for very low temperatures - find ref for low-T rate, probably is 1e-9 like above

0 these should be values at 1e5 K

2 not currently used - include as deexcitation process

Global ContCreatePointers ()
2 what are we trying to print here?
Global ContCreatePointers ()
2 what are we trying to print here?
Global ContRate (double *freqm, double *opacm)
2 - this routine is very important since it sets the pace for the calculation, and directly affects the convergence of the code. Most of the logic is very old and messy. 1) make sure all test cases have save dr 2) cat all these reasons together into one file and sort on the reason 3) discover what logic is the main pacesetter for the code 4) which are never triggered and so can be removed
Global ConvBase (long loopi)
0 PvH prefers test against err/10
Global dBaseAbund (long ipSpecies)
0 this pointer should be cached one time, and the species removed from the list if it is not computed
Global diatomics::diatomics (const string &a, const double &e_star, const double *const abund, double(*fun)(double))
3 these should be const since cannot change, are flags
Global diatomics::init (void)

1 add this as a Lya excitation process

2 put supra thermal excitation into excitation of electronic bands

Global DoSatelliteLines (long nelem)
2 say where these come from
Global DummyEmis
2 bring these two together.
Global ForbiddenAuls (long ipHi, long ipLo, long nelem)

2 find a transition probability for this 2^3P0 - 2^3P1 transition. It will require a bit of trickery to insert into the rate matrix, because of the fact that the lower level has a higher index. See discussion "Energy order within 2 3P" near the top of helike.c

2 find a transition probability for this 2^3P1 - 2^3P2 transition. It will require a bit of trickery to insert into the rate matrix, because of the fact that the lower level has a higher index. See discussion "Energy order within 2 3P" near the top of helike.c

Global GetStandardHeLines (void)
2 - this structure is currently only used for helium itself... stuff numbers in for other elements, or drop the [nelem] dimension off of CaBLines
Global GrainChargeTemp ()

2 this algorithm might be more efficient with Brent

2 should collisional heating/cooling be included here?

2 use something like log(ThermRatio) + log(delta) ????

2 this algorithm might be more efficient with Brent

Global GrainCollHeating (size_t, realnum *, realnum *)
2 a self-consistent treatment for the heating by Compton recoil should be used
Global GrainElecEmis1 (size_t, long, double *, double *, double *, double *)
- add ionizations due to cosmic rays
Global GrainsInit ()
xray - StickElec depends on Te ???? use elec_esc_length(1.5*kTe,nd) ????
Global HeatSum (void)
1 add part of hard heat to secondaries
Global HelikeTransProbSetup (void)
2 this test is out of place, where should it go?
Global hydro_transprob (long nelem, long ipHi, long ipLo)
1 define quantum defects and use scqdri to calculate A's if levels are not exactly degenerate.
Global InitBinAugerData (size_t, long, long)
xray - Compton recoil still needs to be added here
Global iso_create (void)
2 this should be changed for j-resolved levels
Global iso_level (const long int ipISO, const long int nelem, double &renorm, bool lgPrtMatrix)
2 the indices for the two-photon rates must be changed for further iso sequences.
Global iso_photo (long ipISO, long int nelem)
2 - hydro.lgHInducImp should depend on iso and nelem, even better - just call one gamnc and within that code check to see whether induced is important by looking at occnum near threshold
Global iso_satellite (void)
2 say where these come from
Global iso_update_rates (void)
2 the indices for the two-photon rates must be changed for further iso sequences.
Global lgElemsConserved ()
2 this assert is not passed if error made much smaller. This error should be related to a check on convergence of the molecular networks and their sum rules, with a criteria used here and there
Global lgElemsConserved ()
2 this assert is not passed if error made much smaller. This error should be related to a check on convergence of the molecular networks and their sum rules, with a criteria used here and there
Global lines_continuum (void)
2 this block of lines should have nInu, InwT, InwC like main vector of continuum points
Global mole_h2_grain_form (void)
2 - put in actual composition dependent Tad - this is only valid for bare surfaces - not ice - for ice Tad is 555K hmi.Tad is binding energy expressed as a temperature note that hmi.Tad is set to 800. in zero tau_nu the first equation in section 2.5 equation one paragraph before equation 2 at low grain temperatures all end in para, J=0
Global mole_h_reactions (void)

2 following always true, why? either remove test or use it - it is here to save time - this step routine is called very often

2 this should be done with new populations after converged soln

Global NewChargeData (long)
2 should any of the following 3 statements be removed?
Global OpacityAddTotal (void)

2 add charged heavy elements

1 stupid - why this test on opacity_abs ? - we only get here if we already passed above test on this very thing

Global ParseDynaWind (Parser &p)

2 Need to include divergence terms in pressure balance if flux index is != 0

2 Need to include divergence terms in pressure balance if flux index is != 0

Global ParseMonitorResults (Parser &)
2 NB this is not used, should do both, and more molecules (H2 only for now)
Global ParseMonitorResults (Parser &)
2 NB this is not used, should do both, and more molecules (H2 only for now)
Global ParseVLaw (Parser &p)
2 is there a need to keep this negative?
Global PE_init (size_t, long, long, double *, double *, double *, double *, double *, double *, double *)
xray - add fluoresence in energy balance
Global PresTotCurrent (void)

2 this is the total binding energy of the molecules, and is negative, the energy need to get back to free atoms never set and only appears in print statements

0 add this press term due to cosmic rays - hextra.cr_energydensity

0 code has variable magnetic energydensity and pressure, which are equal, as they must be - del one or the other

Global PrtComment (void)
2 extend to all iso and elem
Global PrtLinePres (FILE *ioPRESSURE)
1 make this and eval rad pressure same routine, with flag saying to print contributors - copy code from other routine - this code has been left behind
Global rayleh (double ener)
2 update to astro-ph/0308073, Lee, H-W, ApJ in press
Global renorm_solution (long nelem, long ion_range, long ion_low, double *source, double abund_total, bool *lgNegPop)
2 renorm should == 1 when the molecules and ionization are in equilibrium. Should monitor this figure of merit in calling routine.
Global rfield_opac_malloc ()

3 consider making the fine opacity array a double. with a float, the opacity itself often becomes a denormalized number, it then becomes significant when multiplied by dr - can cause numerical noise. this is why the coarse opacity array is a double

1 set temp of 1e4K will be too coarse a line for PDRs where H2 line overlap is very important

Global RT_diffuse (void)

2 should use ConEmitLocal for all continua, but not followed by rfield.DiffuseEscape - put that at the end. Once continua all bundled this way, it will be easy to save them as a function of depth and then do exact rt

2 add fegrain to outward beams, but within main formalism by including grains in all x-ray processes

Global RT_OTS (void)
2 should also check whether IonLo is in bounds - in func_set_ion test He0 is set to zero, so this does not do anything. as NISO grows this will become larger waste of time
Global RT_stark (void)
2 - Stark is disabled for now since Lya escape causes density dependent feedback on the radiative transfer. Would need to redo the escape probs every time the electron density is updated - see for an example
Global Save1LineData (const TransitionProxy &t, FILE *ioPUN, bool lgCS_2)
1 define lifetime and collision rate for multi-level species so that the critical density is derived correctly in this routine. For now the flag lgCS_2 being true means to save critical den and is only true for two-level systems all places where this routine is called with lgCS_2 false need to be fixed
Global Save1LineData (const TransitionProxy &t, FILE *ioPUN, bool lgCS_2)
1 define lifetime and collision rate for multi-level species so that the critical density is derived correctly in this routine. For now the flag lgCS_2 being true means to save critical den and is only true for two-level systems all places where this routine is called with lgCS_2 false need to be fixed
Global SecIoniz (void)
2 find correct high-energy limit for these
Global SumDensities ()

2 - should this include mass in grains?

2 - should this include mass in grain mantle ice deposits?

Global SumDensities ()

2 - should this include mass in grains?

2 - should this include mass in grain mantle ice deposits?

Global t_isoCTRL::zero ()
2 change this to CS_new
Global t_opac::zero ()
2 file opacities are disabled for now - reinstate this when arrays settle down
Global tbl_fun (double, const sd_data *, const grain_data *, double *, double *, double *, int *)
2 include code for interpolating inv_att_len somewhere!!
Global TempInterp (double *TempArray, double *ValueArray, long NumElements, double temp)
2 use a canned interpolation routine, no need for special one here
Global TempInterp2 (double *TempArray, double *ValueArray, long NumElements, double Te)
there is a virtually identical routine in helike_recom.cpp -> combine
Global UpdatePot1 (size_t, long, long, long)

xray - secondaries from incident electrons still need to be added in

xray - primary, secondary, auger electrons need to be added into suprathermals

Global ZoneStart (const char *chMode)
2 is this the best place for this?