Spectral Synthesis Code for Astrophysics
#include <atmdat.h>
Public Types | |
enum | { NCX =2 } |
enum | CollIonRC { DIMA, HYBRID } |
Public Member Functions | |
const char * | chName () const |
void | zero () |
void | comment (t_warnings &) |
double | getIonPot (long int nelem, long int ion) |
t_atmdat () | |
![]() | |
module () | |
virtual | ~module () |
Static Public Attributes | |
static const double | aulThreshold = 1e-29 |
anonymous enum |
ion, nelem these arrays save the charge transfer ionization and recombination rates for the heavy elements onto hydrogen. ionization is of the heavy element, and so is a recombination for hydrogen
CharExcIonOf[ipHYDROGEN]( ion , nelem ), CharExcRecTo[ipHYDROGEN]( ion , nelem ) charge transfer ionization of atomic oxygen = CharExcIonOf[ipHYDROGEN][ipOXYGEN][0]*hii charge transfer recombination of ionized oxygen = CharExcRecTo[ipHYDROGEN][ipOXYGEN][0]*hi HCharHeatMax, HCharCoolMax are largest fractions of local heating or cooling due to ct HCharHeatOn usually 1, set to 0 with no CTHeat command
Enumerator | |
enum t_atmdat::CollIonRC |
inline |
set atmdat.ipSpecIon to uninit flag
References multi_arr< T, d, ALLOC, lgBC >::alloc(), chdBaseSources, ipHYDROGEN, ipSpecIon, lgdBaseSourceExists, and LIMELM.
inlinevirtual |
Implements module.
inlinevirtual |
Implements module.
inline |
getIonPot – get ionization potential, in Ryd
nelem | [in] element index (0 for H, 29 for Zn) |
ion | [in] ion charge (0 for neutral, nelem for H-like) |
References EIonPot.
Referenced by ContCreatePointers(), t_ADfA::getEthresh(), iso_init_energies(), and Opacity_iso_photo_cs().
virtual |
Implements module.
References CharExcIonOf, CharExcIonTotal, CharExcRecTo, CharExcRecTotal, DEBUG_ENTRY, HCharCoolMax, HCharHeatMax, HCharHeatOn, HCTAlex, HIonFrac, HIonFracMax, lgCTOn, lgInnerShell_Kisielius, lgInnerShellLine_on, lgUTAprint, LIMELM, NCX, and nsbig.
static |
The threshold for Aul. For species where the highest level has no transitions with Aul > aulThreshold, the highest levels will be trimmed until a real Aul is found.
Referenced by atmdat_STOUT_readin(), and trim_levels().
vector<realnum> t_atmdat::CaseBWlHeI |
wavelengths for HeI case b
Referenced by GetStandardHeLines(), lgCheckMonitors(), and lines_helium().
CharExcIon is ionization, [0] is Atom^0 + H+ => Atom+1 + H0 [n] is Atom^+n + H+ => Atom^+n-1 + H0 CharExcRec is recombination [0] is Atom^+1 + H0 => Atom^0 + H^+ [n] is Atom^+n+1 + H0 => Atom^+n + H^+
Referenced by ChargTranEval(), ChargTranPun(), ChargTranSumHeat(), ConvBase(), fill_array(), ion_photo(), iso_charge_transfer_update(), iso_level(), PrintRates(), and zero().
double t_atmdat::CharExcIonTotal[NCX] |
this is total rate (s-1) for ct ionization and recombination of nelem
Referenced by fill_array(), IonHydro(), iso_charge_transfer_update(), iso_level(), PrintRates(), and zero().
Referenced by ChargTranEval(), ChargTranPun(), ChargTranSumHeat(), ConvBase(), fill_array(), ion_CX(), iso_charge_transfer_update(), iso_level(), PrintRates(), and zero().
double t_atmdat::CharExcRecTotal[NCX] |
Referenced by fill_array(), iso_charge_transfer_update(), iso_level(), PrintRates(), and zero().
char t_atmdat::chCloudyChiantiFile[FILENAME_PATH_LENGTH] |
CloudyChianti filename variable
Referenced by database_readin(), InitDefaultsPreparse(), and ParseDatabase().
Array of Data Sources
Referenced by database_readin(), iso_create(), and t_atmdat().
char t_atmdat::chLamdaFile[FILENAME_PATH_LENGTH] |
LAMDA filename variable
Referenced by database_readin(), InitDefaultsPreparse(), and ParseDatabase().
char t_atmdat::chStoutFile[FILENAME_PATH_LENGTH] |
Stout filename variable
Referenced by database_readin(), InitDefaultsPreparse(), and ParseDatabase().
string t_atmdat::chVersion |
Chianti version read from /data/chianti/VERSION
Referenced by database_readin(), and DatabasePrintReference().
CollIonRC t_atmdat::CIRCData |
Referenced by t_ADfA::coll_ion_wrapper(), InitDefaultsPreparse(), and ParseSet().
double t_atmdat::collstrDefault |
The default collision strength used for dBaseTrans no collision or radiative data are available so conventional g-bar is unavailable
Referenced by dBaseUpdateCollCoeffs(), InitDefaultsPreparse(), and ParseSet().
these are the density and temperature mesh points on the original Hummer & Storey data, for H[0] and He[1],
Referenced by atmdat_HS_caseB(), and read_Hummer_Storey().
accurate ionization potentials in Ryd
Referenced by ContSetIntensity(), getIonPot(), ion_photo(), mole_h_reactions(), OpacityAddTotal(), OpacityCreateAll(), PrtHeader(), read_ionization_potentials(), and RT_diffuse().
Referenced by atmdat_HS_caseB(), and read_Hummer_Storey().
Referenced by atmdat_HS_caseB(), and read_Hummer_Storey().
double t_atmdat::HCharCoolMax |
Referenced by ChargTranSumHeat(), IterStart(), PrtComment(), and zero().
double t_atmdat::HCharExcRecTo_N0_2D |
Referenced by ChargTranEval(), and lines().
double t_atmdat::HCharHeatMax |
Referenced by ChargTranSumHeat(), IterStart(), PrtComment(), and zero().
double t_atmdat::HCharHeatOn |
Referenced by ChargTranSumHeat(), ParseDont(), and zero().
double t_atmdat::HCTAlex |
Dalgarno H charge transfer rate coefficient for high stages of ionization default is 1.92e-9 in zero, reset with 'set charge transfer' command
Referenced by HCTRecom(), ParseSet(), and zero().
double t_atmdat::HIonFrac |
this is the current ratio of ct ionization of H, relative to total dest rate
Referenced by IonHydro(), lines_hydro(), and zero().
double t_atmdat::HIonFracMax |
this is the largest ratio of ct ionization of H, relative to total dest rate
Referenced by IterStart(), lines_hydro(), PrtComment(), and zero().
multi_arr<long,2> t_atmdat::ipSpecIon |
Array to store species labels and ipSpecies values
Referenced by chkCaHeps(), database_prep(), dBase_solve(), ion_photo(), RT_line_driving(), states_nelemfill(), and t_atmdat().
bool t_atmdat::lgCalpgmOn |
Default number of iron levels when not using the coronal command true if CDMS/JPL database is enabled
Referenced by database_readin(), and InitDefaultsPreparse().
bool t_atmdat::lgChiantiExp |
true if Cloudy will use no theoretical energy levels from Chianti, only experimental. False means that only theoretical energy levels are used
Referenced by atmdat_CHIANTI_readin(), InitDefaultsPreparse(), and ParseDatabase().
bool t_atmdat::lgChiantiLevelsSet |
Flag to determine whether nChiantiMaxLevelsFe has been set by the user
Referenced by InitDefaultsPreparse(), ParseCoronal(), and ParseDatabase().
bool t_atmdat::lgChiantiLvl2Hybrid |
true if CHIANTI database is supplemented by opacity project lines
Referenced by atmdat_readin(), CoolDima(), InitDefaultsPreparse(), ParseDatabase(), RT_line_all(), and states_nelemfill().
bool t_atmdat::lgChiantiOn |
true if CHIANTI database is enabled
Referenced by atmdat_readin(), CoolEvaluate(), database_readin(), InitDefaultsPreparse(), and ParseDatabase().
bool t_atmdat::lgChiantiPrint |
true if Cloudy will print which Chianti species are being used as well as number of levels
Referenced by atmdat_CHIANTI_readin(), InitDefaultsPreparse(), ParseDatabase(), and trim_levels().
bool t_atmdat::lgCollIonOn |
by default, include collisional ionization, option to not include it, with "no collisional ionization" command
Referenced by t_ADfA::coll_ion(), InitDefaultsPreparse(), and ParseDont().
bool t_atmdat::lgCTOn |
variable to turn on or off ct ionization-recombination of all elements - set off with no charge transfer command
Referenced by ChargTranEval(), fill_array(), GrainChrgTransferRates(), iso_level(), mole_eval_sources(), ParseDont(), and zero().
this indicates that a model atom has been set up for this ion
Referenced by chkCaHeps(), database_readin(), iso_create(), lines(), PrtFinal(), and t_atmdat().
bool t_atmdat::lgGbarOn |
true if dBase transitions have collision strengths supplemented by gbar
Referenced by dBaseUpdateCollCoeffs(), InitDefaultsPreparse(), and ParseSet().
bool t_atmdat::lgHCaseBOK[2][HS_NZ] |
following will be set false if we ever stop over bounds of HS table for any element. first index is case A [0] or case B [1] - second is element number
Referenced by IterStart(), lines_hydro(), PrtComment(), and PrtFinal().
bool t_atmdat::lgInnerShell_Kisielius |
says whether to include the new Romas data set
Referenced by ParseSet(), read_UTA_lines(), and zero().
bool t_atmdat::lgInnerShellLine_on |
this says whether to include inner shell absorption lines
Referenced by atmdat_readin(), ParseSet(), and zero().
bool t_atmdat::lgLamdaLevelsSet |
Flag to determine whether nLamdaMaxLevels has been set by the user
Referenced by InitDefaultsPreparse(), and ParseDatabase().
bool t_atmdat::lgLamdaOn |
true if LAMDA database is enabled
Referenced by atmdat_readin(), database_readin(), InitDefaultsPreparse(), and ParseDatabase().
bool t_atmdat::lgLamdaPrint |
true if Cloudy will print which Lamda species are being used as well as number of levels
Referenced by atmdat_LAMDA_readin(), InitDefaultsPreparse(), ParseDatabase(), and trim_levels().
bool t_atmdat::lgStoutLevelsSet |
Flag to determine whether nStoutMaxLevelsFe has been set by the user
Referenced by InitDefaultsPreparse(), ParseCoronal(), and ParseDatabase().
bool t_atmdat::lgStoutLvl2Hybrid |
true if Stout database supplements opacity project (Level 2) lines
Referenced by atmdat_readin(), CoolDima(), InitDefaultsPreparse(), ParseDatabase(), RT_line_all(), and states_nelemfill().
bool t_atmdat::lgStoutOn |
true if Stout database is enabled
Referenced by atmdat_readin(), CoolEvaluate(), database_readin(), InitDefaultsPreparse(), and ParseDatabase().
bool t_atmdat::lgStoutPrint |
true if Cloudy will print which Stout species are being used as well as number of levels
Referenced by atmdat_STOUT_readin(), InitDefaultsPreparse(), ParseDatabase(), and trim_levels().
bool t_atmdat::lgUTAprint |
flag to print out the UTA data
Referenced by read_UTA_lines(), and zero().
long t_atmdat::nChiantiMaxLevels |
The maximum number of chianti energy levels used for all other species
Referenced by atmdat_CHIANTI_readin(), InitDefaultsPreparse(), ParseCoronal(), and ParseDatabase().
long t_atmdat::nChiantiMaxLevelsFe |
The maximum number of chianti energy levels used for Fe
Referenced by atmdat_CHIANTI_readin(), InitDefaultsPreparse(), ParseCoronal(), and ParseDatabase().
long int t_atmdat::ncut[2][HS_NZ] |
highest principal quantum number they report, usually 25, their paper says 50
Referenced by atmdat_HS_caseB(), lines_hydro(), and read_Hummer_Storey().
const long t_atmdat::nDefaultCollLevels |
Default number of non-iron levels for collisional ionization cases using the coronal command
Referenced by ParseCoronal().
const long t_atmdat::nDefaultCollLevelsFe |
Default number of iron levels for collisional ionization cases using the coronal command
Referenced by ParseCoronal().
const long t_atmdat::nDefaultMolLevels |
Default number of molecular levels
Referenced by InitDefaultsPreparse().
const long t_atmdat::nDefaultPhotoLevels |
Default number of non-iron levels when not using the coronal command
Referenced by InitDefaultsPreparse().
const long t_atmdat::nDefaultPhotoLevelsFe |
Referenced by InitDefaultsPreparse().
long int t_atmdat::nDensity[2][HS_NZ] |
the number of density temperature mesh points for H&S Case A, B
Referenced by atmdat_HS_caseB(), and read_Hummer_Storey().
long t_atmdat::nLamdaMaxLevels |
maximum number of lamda energy levels
Referenced by atmdat_LAMDA_readin(), InitDefaultsPreparse(), and ParseDatabase().
long int t_atmdat::nsbig |
related to highest stage of ionization needed for Cota recom
Referenced by atmdat_3body(), ion_recomb(), and zero().
long t_atmdat::nStoutMaxLevels |
default maximum number of stout energy levels used for other species
Referenced by atmdat_STOUT_readin(), InitDefaultsPreparse(), ParseCoronal(), and ParseDatabase().
long t_atmdat::nStoutMaxLevelsFe |
The default maximum number of stout energy levels for Fe
Referenced by atmdat_STOUT_readin(), InitDefaultsPreparse(), ParseCoronal(), and ParseDatabase().
long int t_atmdat::ntemp[2][HS_NZ] |
Referenced by atmdat_HS_caseB(), and read_Hummer_Storey().
realnum t_atmdat::WaveLengthCaseB[8][25][24] |
wavelengths of Hummer & Storey case B lines for H - O first dimension is atomic number of C scale, H is 0 next two are upper and lower configurations on physics scale - Lya is 2-1, Lyb is 3-1, Ha is 3-2, etc
Referenced by lgCheckMonitors(), and lines_hydro().