Spectral Synthesis Code for Astrophysics
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t_iso_sp Class Reference

#include <iso.h>

Collaboration diagram for t_iso_sp:

Public Member Functions

TransitionProxy trans (const long ipHi, const long ipLo)
long QN2Index (QNPack ind)
long QN2Index (long n, long l, long s, long g=-1)
double energy (long n, long l, long s, long g=-1) const
double energy_ioniz (long n, long l, long s, long g=-1) const
void Reset ()

Public Attributes

multi_arr< long, 2 > ipTrans
multi_arr< extra_tr, 2 > ex
multi_arr< double, 2 > CascadeProb
multi_arr< double, 2 > BranchRatio
vector< freeBoundfb
qList st
map< QNPack, double > Energy
double IonPot
map< QNPair, double > CachedAs
double xIonSimple
bool lgPrtDepartCoef
bool lgPrtNCrit
bool lgPrtLevelPops
bool lgLevelsLowered
bool lgLevelsEverLowered
bool lgMustReeval
bool lgPopsRescaled
long int nCollapsed_max
long int nCollapsed_local
long int numLevels_max
long int numLevels_local
long int numLevels_alloc
long int n_HighestResolved_max
long int n_HighestResolved_local
realnum CaseBCheck
double RadRec_caseB
double RadRec_effec
double RecomCollisFrac
bool lgPopLTE_OK
double FreeBnd_net_Cool_Rate
double coll_ion
double cRest_cool
double xLineTotCool
double dLTot
double RadRecCool
double cBal_cool
double cLyrest_cool
double cLya_cool
double RecomInducCool_Rate
char chTypeAtomUsed [10]
bool lgErrGenDone
double qTot2S
vector< two_photonTwoNu
vector< double > HighestLevelOpacStack
bool lgPrtMatrix
bool lgImgMatrix

Private Attributes

map< QNPack, long > QNPack2Index

Member Function Documentation

double t_iso_sp::energy ( long  n,
long  l,
long  s,
long  g = -1 
) const

return energy of level w.r.t. ground in cm^-1

References QN2ind().

Referenced by energy_ioniz(), and GetStandardHeLines().

Here is the call graph for this function:

double t_iso_sp::energy_ioniz ( long  n,
long  l,
long  s,
long  g = -1 
) const

return minimum energy needed to ionize this level, in cm^-1

References energy(), and IonPot.

Referenced by helike_energy(), helike_quantum_defect(), and hydro_energy().

Here is the call graph for this function:

long t_iso_sp::QN2Index ( QNPack  ind)

Find index given quantum numbers

References numLevels_max, QN2ind(), QNPack2Index, S, and st.

Referenced by Badnell_rec_init(), chkCaHeps(), cross_section(), iso_prt_pops(), iso_put_error(), lines_helium(), lines_hydro(), PrtAllTau(), PrtHeader(), PrtZone(), QN2Index(), RT_tau_init(), and SanityCheckBegin().

Here is the call graph for this function:

long t_iso_sp::QN2Index ( long  n,
long  l,
long  s,
long  g = -1 

References QN2ind(), and QN2Index().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

multi_arr<double,2> t_iso_sp::BranchRatio
map<QNPair, double> t_iso_sp::CachedAs

cache of calculated A values, to avoid duplicate calculations

Referenced by H_Einstein_A(), and he_1trans().

multi_arr<double,2> t_iso_sp::CascadeProb
realnum t_iso_sp::CaseBCheck

difference between actual case b photons in rtdiffuse, and correct case b

Referenced by Reset(), and RT_iso_integrate_RRC().

double t_iso_sp::cBal_cool

net cooling due to collisional excit of balmer lines

Referenced by iso_cool().

char t_iso_sp::chTypeAtomUsed[10]

flag to set which type of solution was used for level pops, "zero" or "popul"

Referenced by iso_level(), and Reset().

double t_iso_sp::cLya_cool

net cooling due to collisional excit of Lya

Referenced by iso_cool().

double t_iso_sp::cLyrest_cool

net cooling due to collisional excit of higher lyman lines

Referenced by iso_cool().

double t_iso_sp::coll_ion

net cooling due to collisional ionization

Referenced by iso_cool().

double t_iso_sp::cRest_cool

net cooling due to collisional excit of higher lines

Referenced by iso_cool().

double t_iso_sp::dLTot

deriv of net cooling due to total collisional excit of lines

Referenced by HeatSum(), and iso_cool().

map<QNPack, double> t_iso_sp::Energy

energy of each level w.r.t. ground, in cm^-1

double t_iso_sp::FreeBnd_net_Cool_Rate

net free bound cooling for this element

Referenced by iso_cool().

vector<double> t_iso_sp::HighestLevelOpacStack
double t_iso_sp::IonPot

ionization potential, in cm^-1

Referenced by energy_ioniz(), helike_quantum_defect(), and iso_init_energies().

multi_arr<long,2> t_iso_sp::ipTrans

Referenced by iso_allocate(), and trans().

bool t_iso_sp::lgErrGenDone

this is flag saying that random gaussians have already been set...they should only be done once per model, and this must be reset to false at the beginning of each model.

Referenced by iso_error_generation(), iso_update_rates(), and Reset().

bool t_iso_sp::lgImgMatrix

create image for Matrix input to solver

Referenced by iso_allocate(), and iso_level().

bool t_iso_sp::lgLevelsEverLowered

This variable is set to true if the continuum was lowered at any point in the calculation. Necessary because some models will lowered continuum at intermediate points but not last zone.

Referenced by iso_continuum_lower(), and Reset().

bool t_iso_sp::lgLevelsLowered

true if the number of levels is currently lowered

Referenced by iso_collisional_ionization(), iso_continuum_lower(), iso_radiative_recomb(), and Reset().

bool t_iso_sp::lgMustReeval
bool t_iso_sp::lgPopLTE_OK

true is all lte populations positive for Hydrogenic atoms

Referenced by iso_collide().

bool t_iso_sp::lgPopsRescaled

Referenced by iso_level(), and Reset().

bool t_iso_sp::lgPrtDepartCoef

option to print departure coefficients

Referenced by ParsePrint().

bool t_iso_sp::lgPrtLevelPops

option to print level populations

Referenced by ParsePrint().

bool t_iso_sp::lgPrtMatrix

print Matrix input to solver

Referenced by iso_allocate(), and iso_level().

bool t_iso_sp::lgPrtNCrit

option to print critical density

Referenced by iso_collide(), and ParsePrint().

long int t_iso_sp::n_HighestResolved_local

the local (pressure lowered) version of the above

Referenced by InitSimPostparse(), iso_continuum_lower(), iso_level(), iso_radiative_recomb(), iso_update_num_levels(), PrtAllTau(), and PrtComment().

long int t_iso_sp::numLevels_alloc

number of levels allocated in the core load, can't go over that later in later sims can lower number of levels but not raise them

Referenced by iso_allocate(), and iso_init().

map<QNPack, long> t_iso_sp::QNPack2Index

Referenced by QN2Index().

double t_iso_sp::qTot2S

the effective collisional rate from 2S, for h-like and he-like sequences

Referenced by iso_level().

double t_iso_sp::RadRec_caseB

case b recombination rate coefficient

Referenced by iso_radiative_recomb(), lines_hydro(), radius_first(), Reset(), RT_iso_integrate_RRC(), and SaveDo().

double t_iso_sp::RadRec_effec

the total effective radiative recombination rate coefficient (cm3 s-1), radiative rate with correction for absorption and ionization

Referenced by iso_radiative_recomb(), and PrtHydroTrace1a().

double t_iso_sp::RadRecCool

net cooling due to rad rec

Referenced by iso_cool().

double t_iso_sp::RecomCollisFrac

ratio of collisional recombination rate to recom from all processes

Referenced by iso_ionize_recombine().

double t_iso_sp::RecomInducCool_Rate

the actual induced recom cooling rate, erg cm-3 s-1

Referenced by iso_cool(), and lines().

TransitionList* t_iso_sp::tr

Referenced by iso_allocate(), and trans().

double t_iso_sp::xIonSimple

the ratio of ion to atom for all iso species xIonSimple is simple estimate, should agree at low density

Referenced by iso_ionize_recombine(), iso_level(), iso_set_ion_rates(), and PrtHydroTrace1a().

double t_iso_sp::xLineTotCool

net cooling due to total collisional excit of lines

Referenced by iso_cool().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: