Spectral Synthesis Code for Astrophysics
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parse_commands.cpp File Reference
#include "cddefines.h"
#include "parse.h"
#include "stopcalc.h"
#include "abund.h"
#include "geometry.h"
#include "dense.h"
#include "grid.h"
#include "grainvar.h"
#include "dynamics.h"
#include "magnetic.h"
#include "trace.h"
#include "atmdat.h"
#include "h2.h"
#include "rt.h"
#include "thermal.h"
#include "opacity.h"
#include "called.h"
#include "wind.h"
#include "hextra.h"
#include "iterations.h"
#include "radius.h"
#include "input.h"
#include "monitor_results.h"
#include "phycon.h"
#include "fudgec.h"
#include "version.h"
#include "conv.h"
#include "cosmology.h"
#include "pressure.h"
#include "parser.h"
#include "dark_matter.h"
#include "iso.h"
#include "mole.h"
#include "parse_species.h"
#include "doppvel.h"
#include "rfield.h"
#include "prt.h"
#include "ran.h"
Include dependency graph for parse_commands.cpp:


void ParseAperture (Parser &p)
void ParseBremsstrahlung (Parser &p)
void ParseCExtra (Parser &p)
void ParseCMBOuter (Parser &p)
void ParseCovering (Parser &p)
void ParseCylinder (Parser &p)
void ParseDarkMatter (Parser &p)
void ParseDatabase (Parser &p)
void ParseDielectronic (Parser &)
void ParseDiffuse (Parser &p)
void ParseDistance (Parser &p)
void ParseDoubleTau (Parser &)
void ParseEden (Parser &p)
void ParseEnergy (Parser &p)
void ParseFail (Parser &p)
void ParseFill (Parser &p)
void ParseF_nuSpecific (Parser &p)
void ParseForceTemperature (Parser &p)
void ParseFudge (Parser &p)
void ParsePGrains (Parser &)
void ParseGravity (Parser &p)
void ParseHeLike (Parser &)
void ParseHelp (Parser &)
void ParseHExtra (Parser &p)
void ParseConvHighT (Parser &)
void ParseHydrogen (Parser &)
void ParseInitCount (Parser &p)
void ParseIntensity (Parser &p)
void ParseIterations (Parser &p)
void ParseL_nu (Parser &p)
void ParseLaser (Parser &p)
void ParseLuminosity (Parser &p)
void ParseNeutrons (Parser &p)
void ParseNuF_nu (Parser &p)
void ParseNuL_nu (Parser &p)
void ParsePhi (Parser &p)
void ParseQH (Parser &p)
void ParseRoberto (Parser &)
void ParseSpecial (Parser &)
void ParseTauMin (Parser &p)
void ParseTitle (Parser &)
void ParseTolerance (Parser &)
void ParseVLaw (Parser &p)
void ParseTurbulence (Parser &p)
void ParseCommands (void)

Function Documentation

void ParseCExtra ( Parser p)
void ParseCommands ( void  )

ParseCommands main command line parser, called by Cloudy to decode commands, it then call other routines to parse specific commands

References abund, CloudyCommand::action, called, cdEXIT, t_dense::chDenseLaw, t_rfield::chRSpec, t_StopCalc::col_h2, t_StopCalc::col_h2_nut, t_StopCalc::colnut, t_StopCalc::colpls, COLUMN_INIT, Parser::Command(), Parser::CommandError(), t_thermal::ConstGrainTemp, t_thermal::ConstTemp, conv, t_geometry::covaper, t_geometry::covgeo, cpu, t_input::crd, t_hextra::cryden, DEBUG_ENTRY, dense, dense_fabden(), dense_parametric_wind(), t_dense::DensityPower, t_radius::depth, t_dense::DLW, Parser::doSetVar(), Parser::echo(), Wind::emdot, EXIT_FAILURE, t_pressure::external_mass, t_geometry::FillFac, fprintf(), t_dense::gas_phase, geometry, Parser::getline(), t_pressure::gravity_symmetry, grid, gv, h2, t_StopCalc::HColStop, hextra, t_cpu::i(), t_geometry::iEmissPower, t_input::init(), InitMonitorResults(), input, Singleton< t_version >::Inst(), ioQQQ, ipHYDROGEN, Parser::isComment(), Parser::isVar(), t_iterations::iter_alloc, iterations, t_iterations::itermx, Parser::last(), t_abund::lgAbnReference, t_conv::lgAutoIt, Wind::lgBallistic(), t_rfield::lgBlockHIon, t_opac::lgCaseB, t_iterations::lgConverge_set, GrainVar::lgDColOn, t_rfield::lgDoLineTrans, diatomics::lgEnabled, t_grid::lgGrid, t_rfield::lgIonizReevaluate, t_cpu_i::lgMPI_talk(), t_rfield::lgMustBlockHIon, t_grid::lgNegativeIncrements, t_mole_global::lgNoMole, t_optimize::lgNoVary, t_rfield::lgOpacityFine, t_rfield::lgOpacityReevaluate, t_radius::lgPredLumin, t_prt::lgPrintHTML, t_prt::lgPrintTime, t_radius::lgRadiusKnown, t_grid::lgSaveXspec, t_rfield::lgSphericalDilution, Wind::lgStatic(), t_called::lgTalk, t_trace::lgTrace, t_optimize::lgTrOpt, t_trace::lgTrOvrd, t_optimize::lgVarOn, t_input::lgVisibilityStatus, t_iterations::lim_iter, t_iterations::lim_zone, LIMPAR, LIMSPC, Parser::m_lgDSet, Parser::m_lgEOF, Parser::m_nqh, min(), MIN2, MIN3, mole_global, CloudyCommand::name, t_iterations::nend, t_grid::nGridCommands, Parser::nMatch(), t_optimize::nOptimiz, t_optimize::nparm, t_rfield::nShape, t_optimize::nTrOpt, NULL, opac, optimize, ParseAbsMag(), ParseAbundances(), ParseAge(), ParseAgn(), ParseAperture(), ParseBackgrd(), ParseBlackbody(), ParseBremsstrahlung(), ParseCaseB(), ParseCExtra(), ParseChemistry(), ParseCMBOuter(), ParseCompile(), ParseConstant(), ParseConvHighT(), ParseCoronal(), ParseCosmicRays(), ParseCosmology(), ParseCovering(), ParseCrashDo(), ParseCylinder(), ParseDarkMatter(), ParseDatabase(), ParseDielectronic(), ParseDiffuse(), ParseDistance(), ParseDLaw(), ParseDont(), ParseDoubleTau(), ParseDynaTime(), ParseDynaWind(), ParseEden(), ParseElement(), ParseEnergy(), ParseExtinguish(), ParseF_nuSpecific(), ParseFail(), ParseFill(), ParseFluc(), ParseForceTemperature(), ParseFudge(), ParseGlobule(), ParseGrain(), ParseGravity(), ParseGrid(), ParseHDEN(), ParseHeLike(), ParseHelp(), ParseHExtra(), ParseHydrogen(), ParseIlluminate(), ParseInitCount(), ParseIntensity(), ParseInterp(), ParseIonParI(), ParseIonParX(), ParseIterations(), ParseL_nu(), ParseLaser(), ParseLuminosity(), ParseMagnet(), ParseMap(), ParseMetal(), ParseMonitorResults(), ParseNeutrons(), ParseNorm(), ParseNuF_nu(), ParseNuL_nu(), ParseOptimize(), ParsePGrains(), ParsePhi(), ParsePowerlawContinuum(), ParsePrint(), ParseQH(), ParseRadius(), ParseRatio(), ParseRoberto(), ParseSave(), ParseSet(), ParseSpecial(), ParseSpecies(), ParseSphere(), ParseStop(), ParseTable(), ParseTauMin(), ParseTest(), ParseTitle(), ParseTLaw(), ParseTolerance(), ParseTrace(), ParseTurbulence(), ParseVLaw(), phycon, pressure, t_ran::print_seed(), prt, radius, t_radius::Radius, ran, t_radius::rdfalt, rfield, t_radius::rinner, t_dense::SetGasPhaseDensity(), Parser::setline(), StopCalc, t_iterations::StopThickness, t_rfield::TableRadius, DepthTable::tabval(), t_StopCalc::tauend, t_phycon::TEMP_STOP_DEFAULT, t_StopCalc::TempLoStopZone, thermal, t_rfield::totpow, trace, t_hextra::TurbHeat, wind, and Wind::windv0.

Referenced by cloudy(), and grid_do().

void ParseConvHighT ( Parser )

References t_thermal::lgTeHigh, and thermal.

Referenced by ParseCommands().

void ParseCovering ( Parser p)
void ParseCylinder ( Parser p)

References t_radius::CylindHigh, exp10(), Parser::FFmtRead(), t_radius::lgCylnOn, Parser::lgEOL(), Parser::NoNumb(), and radius.

Referenced by ParseCommands().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ParseDielectronic ( Parser )

References cdEXIT, DEBUG_ENTRY, EXIT_FAILURE, fprintf(), and ioQQQ.

Referenced by ParseCommands().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ParseDiffuse ( Parser p)
void ParseDoubleTau ( Parser )

References t_rt::DoubleTau, and rt.

Referenced by ParseCommands().

void ParseF_nuSpecific ( Parser p)

References ParseF_nu().

Referenced by ParseCommands().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ParseFail ( Parser p)

References conv, Parser::FFmtRead(), fprintf(), ioQQQ, Parser::lgEOL(), t_conv::lgMap, t_conv::LimFail, Parser::nMatch(), and Parser::NoNumb().

Referenced by ParseCommands().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ParseForceTemperature ( Parser p)

References t_thermal::ConstTemp, exp10(), Parser::FFmtRead(), fprintf(), ioQQQ, Parser::lgEOL(), Parser::nMatch(), Parser::NoNumb(), and thermal.

Referenced by ParseCommands().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ParseHeLike ( Parser )

References cdEXIT, DEBUG_ENTRY, EXIT_FAILURE, fprintf(), and ioQQQ.

Referenced by ParseCommands().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ParseHelp ( Parser p)

References DEBUG_ENTRY, Parser::help(), and ioQQQ.

Referenced by ParseCommands().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ParseHydrogen ( Parser )

References cdEXIT, DEBUG_ENTRY, EXIT_FAILURE, fprintf(), and ioQQQ.

Referenced by ParseCommands().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ParseInitCount ( Parser p)

Referenced by ParseCommands().

void ParseL_nu ( Parser p)

References ParseF_nu().

Referenced by ParseCommands().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ParseNeutrons ( Parser p)

References t_hextra::effneu, exp10(), Parser::FFmtRead(), t_hextra::frcneu, hextra, Parser::lgEOL(), t_hextra::lgNeutrnHeatOn, and Parser::NoNumb().

Referenced by ParseCommands().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ParseNuF_nu ( Parser p)

References ParseF_nu().

Referenced by ParseCommands().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ParseNuL_nu ( Parser p)

References ParseF_nu().

Referenced by ParseCommands().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ParsePGrains ( Parser )

References cdEXIT, DEBUG_ENTRY, EXIT_FAILURE, fprintf(), and ioQQQ.

Referenced by ParseCommands().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ParseRoberto ( Parser )

References t_radius::dRadSign, and radius.

Referenced by ParseCommands().

void ParseSpecial ( Parser )


Referenced by ParseCommands().

void ParseTauMin ( Parser p)

References exp10(), Parser::FFmtRead(), Parser::lgEOL(), Parser::NoNumb(), opac, and t_opac::taumin.

Referenced by ParseCommands().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ParseTitle ( Parser p)

References t_input::chTitle, Parser::GetQuote(), Parser::getRawTail(), and input.

Referenced by ParseCommands().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ParseTolerance ( Parser )

References cdEXIT, DEBUG_ENTRY, EXIT_FAILURE, fprintf(), and ioQQQ.

Referenced by ParseCommands().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ParseVLaw ( Parser p)
2 is there a need to keep this negative?

References ASSERT, DoppVel, Parser::FFmtRead(), t_DoppVel::lgTurbLawOn, and t_DoppVel::TurbVelLaw.

Referenced by ParseCommands().

Here is the call graph for this function: