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1 /* This file is part of Cloudy and is copyright (C)1978-2022 by Gary J. Ferland and
2  * others. For conditions of distribution and use see copyright notice in license.txt */
3 /* CS_VS80 compute thermally averaged collision strength for collisional deexcitation
4  * of hydrogenic atoms, from
5  * >>refer H1 collision Vriens, L., & Smeets, A.H.M. 1980, Phys Rev A 22, 940
6  *hydro_vs_ioniz generate hydrogenic collisional ionization rate coefficients */
7 /*Hion_coll_ioniz_ratecoef calculate hydrogenic ionization rates for ions
8  * with all n, and Z*/
9 #include "cddefines.h"
10 #include "dense.h"
11 #include "phycon.h"
12 #include "iso.h"
13 #include "hydro_vs_rates.h"
14 #include "thirdparty.h"
15 #include "lines_service.h"
16 #include "integrate.h"
18 STATIC double hydro_vs_coll_str( long nHi, long gHi, double IP_Ryd_Hi, long nLo, long gLo, double IP_Ryd_Lo, double Aul, long nelem, long Collider, double energy );
20 namespace {
21  class my_Integrand : public std::unary_function<double, double>
22  {
23  public:
24  long nelem, Collider;
25  double Aul;
26  double temp;
27  long nHi, gHi, nLo, gLo;
28  double IP_Ryd_Hi, IP_Ryd_Lo;
30  double operator() (double EOverKT) const
31  {
32  double col_str = hydro_vs_coll_str( nHi, gHi, IP_Ryd_Hi, nLo, gLo, IP_Ryd_Lo,
33  Aul, nelem, Collider, EOverKT * EVRYD * temp/TE1RYD );
34  return exp( -1.*EOverKT ) * col_str;
35  }
36  };
37 }
39 /*
40  Neither of these rates can be modified to account for impact by non-electrons because they
41  are fits to thermally-averaged rates for electron can not be unravelled to
42  expose a projectile energy that can then be scaled to account for other projectiles.
43  Instead, we have included the original cross section formula (eq 14) from
44  Vriens & Smeets (1980) below.
45 */
47 /* VS80 stands for Vriens and Smeets 1980 */
48 /* This routine calculates thermally-averaged collision strengths. */
49 double CS_VS80( long nHi, long gHi, double IP_Ryd_Hi, long nLo, long gLo, double IP_Ryd_Lo, double Aul, long nelem, long Collider, double temp )
50 {
51  double coll_str;
53  if( Collider == ipELECTRON )
54  {
55  coll_str = hydro_vs_deexcit( nHi, gHi, IP_Ryd_Hi, nLo, gLo, IP_Ryd_Lo, Aul );
56  }
57  else
58  {
59  /* evaluate collision strength, two options,
60  * do thermal average (very slow) if set with
62  * default just do point at kT
63  * tests show no impact on test suite, much faster */
65  {
66  my_Integrand func;
68  func.nHi = nHi;
69  func.gHi = gHi;
70  func.IP_Ryd_Hi = IP_Ryd_Hi;
71  func.nLo = nLo;
72  func.gLo = gLo;
73  func.IP_Ryd_Lo = IP_Ryd_Lo;
74  func.nelem = nelem;
75  func.temp = temp;
76  func.Collider = Collider;
77  func.Aul = Aul;
80  /* do average over Maxwellian */
81  coll_str = VS80.sum( 0., 1. );
82  coll_str += VS80.sum( 1., 10. );
83  }
84  else
85  {
86  /* the argument to the function is equivalent to evaluating the function at
87  * hnu = kT */
88  coll_str = hydro_vs_coll_str( nHi, gHi, IP_Ryd_Hi, nLo, gLo, IP_Ryd_Lo,
89  Aul, nelem, Collider, EVRYD*temp/TE1RYD );
90  }
91  }
93  ASSERT( coll_str >= 0. );
94  return coll_str;
95 }
97 /*hydro_vs_coll_str compute collision strength for collisional deexcitation for hydrogen atom,
98  * from Vriens and Smeets */
99 STATIC double hydro_vs_coll_str( long nHi, long gHi, double IP_Ryd_Hi, long nLo, long gLo, double IP_Ryd_Lo, double Aul, long nelem, long Collider, double energy )
100 {
101  DEBUG_ENTRY( "hydro_vs_coll_str()" );
103  // number of colliders is 4 in def, should be macro
104  ASSERT( Collider >= 0.&& Collider <4 );
105  double reduced_mass = dense.AtomicWeight[nelem]*colliders.list[Collider].mass_amu/
106  (dense.AtomicWeight[nelem]+colliders.list[Collider].mass_amu)*ATOMIC_MASS_UNIT;
108  /* This comes from equations 14,15, and 16 of Vriens and Smeets. */
109  /* >>refer he-like cs Vriens, L. \& Smeets, A. H. M. Phys. Rev. A, 22, 940 */
110  /* Computes the Vriens and Smeets
111  * rate coeff. for collisional dexcitation between any two levels of H.
112  * valid for all nhigh, nlow
113  * at end converts this excitation rate to collision strength */
115  double n = (double)nHi;
116  double p = (double)nLo;
118  double g_n = (double)gHi;
119  double g_p = (double)gLo;
121  double ryd = EVRYD;
122  double s = fabs(n-p);
123  ASSERT( s > 0. );
125  double Epn = EVRYD * (IP_Ryd_Lo - IP_Ryd_Hi);
126  double Epi = EVRYD * IP_Ryd_Lo;
128  /* This is an absorption oscillator strength. */
129  double abs_osc_str = GetGF( Aul, Epn*RYD_INF/EVRYD, g_n)/g_p;
130  double rEpn = 1./Epn;
131  double Apn = 2.*ryd*rEpn*abs_osc_str;
133  double rp = 1./p;
134  double bp = rp*(1.4*log(p) - .7 + rp*(- .51 + rp*(1.16*rp - 0.55*rp)));
136  double Bpn = 4.*ryd*ryd/pow3(n)*rEpn*rEpn*(1. + Epi*rEpn*(4./3. + bp*Epi*rEpn));
138  double delta = exp(-Bpn/Apn) - 0.4*Epn/ryd;
141  /* Scale the energy to get an equivalent electron energy. */
142  energy *= colliders.list[ipELECTRON].mass_amu/colliders.list[Collider].mass_amu;
144  double cross_section;
145  /* cross section in units of PI*a_o^2 */
146  if( energy/2./ryd+delta <= 0 /*|| energy < Epn*/ )
147  {
148  cross_section = 0.;
149  }
150  else
151  {
152  double gamma = ryd*(8. + 23.*POW2(s*rp))*s*s/
153  ( s*s*(8. + 1.1*n*s) + 0.8 + 0.4*powpq(n*s,3,2)*fabs(s-1.0) );
154  cross_section = 2.*ryd/(energy + gamma)*(Apn*log(energy/2./ryd+delta) + Bpn);
155  cross_section = MAX2( cross_section, 0. );
156  }
158  /* convert to collision strength */
159  double coll_str = ConvCrossSect2CollStr( cross_section * PI*BOHR_RADIUS_CM*BOHR_RADIUS_CM, g_n, energy/EVRYD, reduced_mass );
161  ASSERT( coll_str >= 0. );
163  return( coll_str );
164 }
166 /*hydro_vs_coll_recomb generate hydrogenic collisional recombination rate coefficients */
167 double hydro_vs_coll_recomb( double ionization_energy_Ryd, double Te, double stat_level, double stat_ion )
168 {
169  double coef,
170  denom,
171  epi,
172  t_eV;
174  DEBUG_ENTRY( "hydro_vs_coll_recomb()" );
176  /* This is equation 9 of
177  * >>refer H1 collision recomb Vriens, L., & Smeets, A.H.M. 1980, Phys Rev A 22, 940 */
179  /* this is kT in eV */
180  t_eV = Te/EVDEGK;
182  /* this is the ionization energy relative to kT, dimensionless */
183  epi = ionization_energy_Ryd * EVRYD / t_eV;
185  /* this is the denominator of equation 8 of VS80. */
186  denom = pow(epi,2.33) + 4.38*pow(epi,1.72) + 1.32*epi;
188  /* this is equation 9 of VS80 */
189  coef = 3.17e-27 / pow3(t_eV) * stat_level / stat_ion / denom;
191  ASSERT( coef >= 0. );
192  return( coef );
193 }
196 /*hydro_vs_ioniz generate hydrogenic collisional ionization rate coefficients */
197 double hydro_vs_ioniz( double ionization_energy_Ryd, double Te )
198 {
199  double coef,
200  denom,
201  epi,
202  t_eV;
204  DEBUG_ENTRY( "hydro_vs_ioniz()" );
206  /* a function written to calculate the rate coefficients
207  * for hydrogen collisional ionizations from
208  * Jason Ferguson, summer 94
209  * valid for all n
210  * >>refer H1 collision Vriens, L., & Smeets, A.H.M. 1980, Phys Rev A 22, 940
211  * */
213  /* this is kT in eV */
214  t_eV = Te/EVDEGK;
216  /* this is the ionization energy relative to kT, dimensionless */
217  epi = ionization_energy_Ryd * EVRYD / t_eV;
219  /* this is the denominator of equation 8 of VS80. */
220  denom = pow(epi,2.33) + 4.38*pow(epi,1.72) + 1.32*epi;
222  /* this is equation 8 of VS80 */
223  coef = 9.56e-6 / powpq(t_eV,3,2) * dsexp( epi ) / denom;
225  ASSERT( coef >= 0. );
226  return( coef );
227 }
229 /*Hion_coll_ioniz_ratecoef calculate hydrogenic ionization rates for all n, and Z*/
231  /* the isoelectronic sequence */
232  long int ipISO ,
233  /* element, >=1 since only used for ions
234  * nelem = 1 is helium the least possible charge */
235  long int nelem,
236  /* principal quantum number, > 1
237  * since only used for excited states */
238  long int n,
239  double ionization_energy_Ryd,
240  double Te )
241 {
242  double H,
243  HydColIon_v,
244  Rnp,
245  charge,
246  chim,
247  eone,
248  etwo,
249  efour,
250  g,
251  rate,
252  rate2,
253  boltz,
254  t1,
255  t2,
256  t3,
257  t4,
258  tev,
259  xn,
260  y;
261  static const double arrH[4] = {1.48,3.64,5.93,8.32};
262  static const double arrRnp[8] = {2.20,1.90,1.73,1.65,1.60,1.56,1.54,1.52};
263  static const double arrg[10] = {0.8675,0.932,0.952,0.960,0.965,0.969,0.972,0.975,0.978,0.981};
265  static double small = 0.;
267  DEBUG_ENTRY( "Hion_coll_ioniz_ratecoef()" );
268  /*calculate hydrogenic ionization rates for all n, and Z
269  * >>refer HI cs Allen 1973, Astro. Quan. for low Te.
270  * >>refer HI cs Sampson and Zhang 1988, ApJ, 335, 516 for High Te.
271  * */
273  charge = nelem - ipISO;
274  /* this routine only for ions, nelem=0 is H, nelem=1 he, etc */
275  ASSERT( charge > 0);
276  ASSERT( n>1 );
278  if( n > 4 )
279  {
280  H = 2.15*n;
281  }
282  else
283  {
284  H = arrH[n-1];
285  }
287  if( n > 8 )
288  {
289  Rnp = 1.52;
290  }
291  else
292  {
293  Rnp = arrRnp[n-1];
294  }
296  if( n > 10 )
297  {
298  g = arrg[9];
299  }
300  else
301  {
302  g = arrg[n-1];
303  }
305  tev = EVRYD/TE1RYD*Te;
306  xn = (double)n;
307  chim = EVRYD * ionization_energy_Ryd;
308  y = chim/tev;
309  boltz = dsexp( chim/tev );
311  eone = e1(y);
312  etwo = e2(y);
313  efour = expn(4,y);
315  t1 = 1./xn*eone;
316  t2 = 1./xn*efour;
317  t3 = 3.*H/xn/(3. - Rnp)*(y*etwo - 2.*y*eone + boltz);
318  t4 = 3.36*y*(eone - etwo);
319  rate = 7.69415e-9*sqrt(Te)*9.28278e-3*powi(xn/(charge+1),4)*g*y;
320  rate *= t1 - t2 + t3 + t4;
321  rate2 = 2.1e-8*sqrt(Te)/chim/chim*dsexp(2.302585*5040.*chim/Te);
323  /* don't let the rates go negative */
324  rate = MAX2(rate,small);
325  rate2 = MAX2(rate2,small);
327  /* Take the lowest of the two, they fit nicely together... */
328  /* >>chng 10 Sept 02, sometimes one of these is zero and the other is positive.
329  * in that case take the bigger one. */
330  if( rate==0. || rate2==0. )
331  HydColIon_v = MAX2(rate,rate2);
332  else
333  HydColIon_v = MIN2(rate,rate2);
335  ASSERT( HydColIon_v >= 0. );
336  return( HydColIon_v );
337 }
339 /*hydro_vs_deexcit compute collisional deexcitation rates for hydrogen atom,
340  * from Vriens and Smeets 1980 */
341 double hydro_vs_deexcit( long nHi, long gHi, double IP_Ryd_Hi, long nLo, long gLo, double IP_Ryd_Lo, double Aul )
342 {
343  DEBUG_ENTRY( "hydro_vs_deexcit()" );
345  double kT_eV = EVRYD * phycon.te / TE1RYD;
347  /* This comes from equations 24 of Vriens and Smeets. */
348  /* >>refer he-like cs Vriens, L. \& Smeets, A. H. M. Phys. Rev. A, 22, 940 */
349  /* Computes the Vriens and Smeets
350  * rate coeff. for collisional dexcitation between any two levels of H.
351  * valid for all nhigh, nlow
352  * at end converts this excitation rate to collision strength */
354  double n = (double)nLo;
355  double p = (double)nHi;
357  ASSERT( n!=p );
359  double g_n = (double)gLo;
360  double g_p = (double)gHi;
362  double ryd = EVRYD;
363  double s = fabs(n-p);
365  double Enp = EVRYD * (IP_Ryd_Lo - IP_Ryd_Hi);
366  double rEnp = 1./Enp;
367  double Eni = EVRYD * IP_Ryd_Hi;
369  ASSERT( Enp > 0. );
371  /* This is an absorption oscillator strength. */
372  double abs_osc_str = GetGF( Aul, Enp*RYD_INF/EVRYD, g_p)/g_n;
373  double Anp = 2.*ryd*rEnp*abs_osc_str;
375  double rn = 1./n;
376  double bn = rn*( 1.4*log(n) - .7 +rn*(- .51 + rn*(1.16 - 0.55*rn)));
378  double Bnp = 4.*ryd*ryd/pow3(p)*rEnp*rEnp*(1. + Eni*rEnp*(4./3. + bn*Eni*rEnp));
380  double delta_np = exp(-Bnp/Anp) + 0.06 * s*s / (p*n*n);
382  double rate;
384  if( 0.3*kT_eV/ryd+delta_np <= 0 )
385  {
386  rate = 0.;
387  }
388  else
389  {
390  double Gamma_np = ryd*log(1. + n*n*n*kT_eV/ryd) * (3. + 11.*s*s*rn*rn) * s * s /
391  ( s*s* (6. + 1.6*p*s) + 0.3 + 0.8*powpq(p*s,3,2)*fabs(s-0.6) );
393  rate = 1.6E-7 * sqrt(kT_eV) * g_n / (g_p * ( kT_eV + Gamma_np ) ) *
394  ( Anp * log(0.3*kT_eV/ryd + delta_np) + Bnp );
395  }
397  double col_str = rate / COLL_CONST * phycon.sqrte * g_p;
399  return col_str ;
400 }
STATIC double hydro_vs_coll_str(long nHi, long gHi, double IP_Ryd_Hi, long nLo, long gLo, double IP_Ryd_Lo, double Aul, long nelem, long Collider, double energy)
t_isoCTRL iso_ctrl
Definition: iso.cpp:9
double e1(double x)
double hydro_vs_ioniz(double ionization_energy_Ryd, double Te)
t_phycon phycon
Definition: phycon.cpp:6
T pow3(T a)
Definition: cddefines.h:988
double expn(int n, double x)
#define MIN2(a, b)
Definition: cddefines.h:803
double dsexp(double x)
Definition: service.cpp:1038
t_dense dense
Definition: global.cpp:15
ColliderList colliders(dense)
double CS_VS80(long nHi, long gHi, double IP_Ryd_Hi, long nLo, long gLo, double IP_Ryd_Lo, double Aul, long nelem, long Collider, double temp)
#define POW2
Definition: cddefines.h:979
double energy(const genericState &gs)
#define STATIC
Definition: cddefines.h:118
double powi(double, long int)
Definition: service.cpp:594
double sum(double min, double max) const
Definition: integrate.h:44
realnum AtomicWeight[LIMELM]
Definition: dense.h:80
#define ASSERT(exp)
Definition: cddefines.h:613
double GetGF(double trans_prob, double enercm, double gup)
vector< t_collider > list
Definition: collision.h:41
#define DEBUG_ENTRY(funcname)
Definition: cddefines.h:723
double powpq(double x, int p, int q)
Definition: service.cpp:630
STATIC double cross_section(double EgammaRyd, double EthRyd, long nelem, long n, long l, long s)
double ConvCrossSect2CollStr(double CrsSectCM2, double gLo, double E_ProjectileRyd, double reduced_mass_grams)
#define MAX2(a, b)
Definition: cddefines.h:824
bool lgCollStrenThermAver
Definition: iso.h:371
double e2(double x)
double hydro_vs_coll_recomb(double ionization_energy_Ryd, double Te, double stat_level, double stat_ion)
double hydro_vs_deexcit(long nHi, long gHi, double IP_Ryd_Hi, long nLo, long gLo, double IP_Ryd_Lo, double Aul)
double sqrte
Definition: phycon.h:58
double te
Definition: phycon.h:21
double Hion_coll_ioniz_ratecoef(long int ipISO, long int nelem, long int n, double ionization_energy_Ryd, double Te)