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stars.h File Reference
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Data Structures

struct  process_counter


#define MDIM   4
#define MNAM   6


enum  IntMode {
enum  tl_grid { TL_OBSTAR, TL_BSTAR, TL_OSTAR }
enum  sb_mode { SB_TOTAL, SB_STELLAR, SB_NEBULAR }


void AtmospheresAvail (void)
int AtlasCompile (process_counter &pc)
long AtlasInterpolate (double val[], long *nval, long *ndim, const char *chMetalicity, const char *chODFNew, bool lgList, double *Tlow, double *Thigh)
int CoStarCompile (process_counter &pc)
long CoStarInterpolate (double val[], long *nval, long *ndim, IntMode imode, bool lgHalo, bool lgList, double *val0_lo, double *val0_hi)
bool GridCompile (const char *InName)
long GridInterpolate (double val[], long *nval, long *ndim, const char *FileName, bool lgList, double *Tlow, double *Thigh)
long HaardtMadauInterpolate (double val, int version, bool lgQuasar, double *zlow, double *zhigh)
long KhaireSrianandInterpolate (double val, int Q, double *zlow, double *zhigh)
int Kurucz79Compile (process_counter &pc)
long Kurucz79Interpolate (double val[], long *nval, long *ndim, bool lgList, double *Tlow, double *Thigh)
int MihalasCompile (process_counter &pc)
long MihalasInterpolate (double val[], long *nval, long *ndim, bool lgList, double *Tlow, double *Thigh)
int RauchCompile (process_counter &pc)
long RauchInterpolateHydr (double val[], long *nval, long *ndim, bool lgList, double *Tlow, double *Thigh)
long RauchInterpolateHelium (double val[], long *nval, long *ndim, bool lgList, double *Tlow, double *Thigh)
long RauchInterpolateHpHe (double val[], long *nval, long *ndim, bool lgList, double *Tlow, double *Thigh)
long RauchInterpolatePG1159 (double val[], long *nval, long *ndim, bool lgList, double *Tlow, double *Thigh)
long RauchInterpolateCOWD (double val[], long *nval, long *ndim, bool lgList, double *Tlow, double *Thigh)
long RauchInterpolateHCa (double val[], long *nval, long *ndim, bool lgHalo, bool lgList, double *Tlow, double *Thigh)
long RauchInterpolateHNi (double val[], long *nval, long *ndim, bool lgHalo, bool lgList, double *Tlow, double *Thigh)
bool StarburstInitialize (const char chInName[], const char chOutName[], sb_mode mode)
bool StarburstCompile (process_counter &pc)
int TlustyCompile (process_counter &pc)
long TlustyInterpolate (double val[], long *nval, long *ndim, tl_grid tlg, const char *chMetalicity, bool lgList, double *Tlow, double *Thigh)
int WernerCompile (process_counter &pc)
long WernerInterpolate (double val[], long *nval, long *ndim, bool lgList, double *Tlow, double *Thigh)
int WMBASICCompile (process_counter &pc)
long WMBASICInterpolate (double val[], long *nval, long *ndim, bool lgList, double *Tlow, double *Thigh)

Macro Definition Documentation

#define MDIM   4

This is the largest number of dimensions that the grid can have

Definition at line 9 of file stars.h.

Referenced by InitGridBin(), lgCompileAtmosphere(), lgReadAtmosphereHead(), lgValidBinFile(), ParseTable(), SetLimits(), stellar_grid::stellar_grid(), and WriteASCIIHead().

#define MNAM   6

This is the maximum length a dimension label may have [e.g., Teff, log(g)]

Definition at line 12 of file stars.h.

Referenced by InitGridBin(), lgCompileAtmosphere(), lgValidBinFile(), and stellar_grid::stellar_grid().

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum IntMode

interpolation mode; usually IM_RECT_GRID, but for CoStar models 4 other options exist; each name gives the first and second parameter used in the interpolation


Definition at line 16 of file stars.h.

enum sb_mode

Definition at line 25 of file stars.h.

enum tl_grid

Definition at line 21 of file stars.h.

Function Documentation

int AtlasCompile ( process_counter pc)

AtlasCompile rebin Kurucz stellar models to match energy grid of code

Definition at line 452 of file stars.cpp.

References AS_LOCAL_ONLY_TRY, DEBUG_ENTRY, fprintf(), ioQQQ, lgCompileAtmosphere(), lgFileReadable(), and lgValidBinFile().

Referenced by ParseCompile().

Here is the call graph for this function:

long AtlasInterpolate ( double  val[],
long *  nval,
long *  ndim,
const char *  chMetalicity,
const char *  chODFNew,
bool  lgList,
double *  Tlow,
double *  Thigh 

AtlasInterpolate interpolate on atlas model atmospheres, by K Volk

Definition at line 553 of file stars.cpp.

References AS_DATA_OPTIONAL, CheckVal(), stellar_grid::command, DEBUG_ENTRY, grid, stellar_grid::ident, InitGrid(), InterpolateRectGrid(), stellar_grid::name, t_rfield::nflux_with_check, rfield, and stellar_grid::scheme.

Referenced by ParseTable().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void AtmospheresAvail ( void  )

List all the available TABLE STAR <grid> commands by checking installed *.mod files

Definition at line 254 of file stars.cpp.

References AS_DATA_ONLY_TRY, DEBUG_ENTRY, fprintf(), ioQQQ, lgValidASCIIFile(), and lgValidBinFile().

Referenced by ParseTable().

Here is the call graph for this function:

int CoStarCompile ( process_counter pc)

CoStarCompile rebin costar stellar models to match energy grid of code

Definition at line 622 of file stars.cpp.

References AS_LOCAL_ONLY_TRY, CoStarInitialize(), DEBUG_ENTRY, Edges_CoStar, fprintf(), ioQQQ, lgCompileAtmosphere(), lgFileReadable(), lgValidASCIIFile(), and lgValidBinFile().

Referenced by ParseCompile().

Here is the call graph for this function:

long CoStarInterpolate ( double  val[],
long *  nval,
long *  ndim,
IntMode  imode,
bool  lgHalo,
bool  lgList,
double *  val0_lo,
double *  val0_hi 

CoStarInterpolate read in and interpolate on Werner grid of PN atmospheres, by K Volk

Definition at line 653 of file stars.cpp.

References AS_DATA_OPTIONAL, cdEXIT, CheckVal(), stellar_grid::command, CoStarListModels(), DEBUG_ENTRY, EXIT_SUCCESS, grid, stellar_grid::ident, stellar_grid::imode, InitGrid(), InitGridCoStar(), InterpolateGridCoStar(), stellar_grid::name, t_rfield::nflux_with_check, rfield, and stellar_grid::scheme.

Referenced by ParseTable().

Here is the call graph for this function:

bool GridCompile ( const char *  InName)

GridCompile rebin user supplied stellar models to match energy grid of code

Definition at line 721 of file stars.cpp.

References AS_LOCAL_ONLY, ASSERT, stellar_grid::command, DEBUG_ENTRY, fprintf(), grid, stellar_grid::ident, InitGrid(), ioQQQ, lgCompileAtmosphere(), stellar_grid::name, stellar_grid::names, stellar_grid::scheme, and ValidateGrid().

Referenced by ParseCompile().

Here is the call graph for this function:

long GridInterpolate ( double  val[],
long *  nval,
long *  ndim,
const char *  FileName,
bool  lgList,
double *  Tlow,
double *  Thigh 

GridInterpolate read in and interpolate on user supplied grid of atmospheres

Definition at line 760 of file stars.cpp.

References AS_DATA_ONLY_TRY, AS_DATA_OPTIONAL, CheckVal(), stellar_grid::command, DEBUG_ENTRY, grid, stellar_grid::ident, InitGrid(), InterpolateRectGrid(), lgValidASCIIFile(), stellar_grid::name, t_rfield::nflux_with_check, rfield, and stellar_grid::scheme.

Referenced by ParseTable().

Here is the call graph for this function:

long HaardtMadauInterpolate ( double  val,
int  version,
bool  lgQuasar,
double *  zlow,
double *  zhigh 

HaardtMadauInterpolate read in and interpolate on Haardt & Madau SEDs

Definition at line 799 of file stars.cpp.

References AS_DEFAULT, CheckVal(), DEBUG_ENTRY, get_ptr(), grid, stellar_grid::ident, InitGrid(), InterpolateRectGrid(), lgLINEAR, lgREAD_ASCII, stellar_grid::name, t_rfield::nflux_with_check, rfield, stellar_grid::scheme, and TotalInsanity().

Referenced by ParseTable().

Here is the call graph for this function:

long KhaireSrianandInterpolate ( double  val,
int  Q,
double *  zlow,
double *  zhigh 

KhaireSrianandInterpolate read in and interpolate on Khaire & Srianand SEDs

Definition at line 872 of file stars.cpp.

References AS_DEFAULT, CheckVal(), DEBUG_ENTRY, grid, stellar_grid::ident, InitGrid(), InterpolateRectGrid(), lgLINEAR, lgREAD_ASCII, stellar_grid::name, t_rfield::nflux_with_check, rfield, and stellar_grid::scheme.

Referenced by ParseTable().

Here is the call graph for this function:

int Kurucz79Compile ( process_counter pc)

Kurucz79Compile rebin Kurucz79 stellar models to match energy grid of code

Definition at line 903 of file stars.cpp.

References AS_LOCAL_ONLY_TRY, DEBUG_ENTRY, fprintf(), ioQQQ, lgCompileAtmosphere(), lgFileReadable(), and lgValidBinFile().

Referenced by ParseCompile().

Here is the call graph for this function:

long Kurucz79Interpolate ( double  val[],
long *  nval,
long *  ndim,
bool  lgList,
double *  Tlow,
double *  Thigh 

Kurucz79Interpolate read in and interpolate on Kurucz 1979 grid of atmospheres

Definition at line 921 of file stars.cpp.

References AS_DATA_OPTIONAL, CheckVal(), stellar_grid::command, DEBUG_ENTRY, grid, stellar_grid::ident, InitGrid(), InterpolateRectGrid(), stellar_grid::name, t_rfield::nflux_with_check, rfield, and stellar_grid::scheme.

Referenced by ParseTable().

Here is the call graph for this function:

int MihalasCompile ( process_counter pc)

MihalasCompile rebin Mihalas stellar models to match energy grid of code

Definition at line 949 of file stars.cpp.

References AS_LOCAL_ONLY_TRY, DEBUG_ENTRY, fprintf(), ioQQQ, lgCompileAtmosphere(), lgFileReadable(), and lgValidBinFile().

Referenced by ParseCompile().

Here is the call graph for this function:

long MihalasInterpolate ( double  val[],
long *  nval,
long *  ndim,
bool  lgList,
double *  Tlow,
double *  Thigh 

MihalasInterpolate read in and interpolate on Mihalas grid of atmospheres

Definition at line 973 of file stars.cpp.

References AS_DATA_OPTIONAL, CheckVal(), stellar_grid::command, DEBUG_ENTRY, grid, stellar_grid::ident, InitGrid(), InterpolateRectGrid(), stellar_grid::name, t_rfield::nflux_with_check, rfield, and stellar_grid::scheme.

Referenced by ParseTable().

Here is the call graph for this function:

int RauchCompile ( process_counter pc)

RauchCompile create ascii and mod files for Rauch atmospheres return 0 if success, 1 if failure

Definition at line 1001 of file stars.cpp.

References AS_LOCAL_ONLY_TRY, DEBUG_ENTRY, fprintf(), ioQQQ, lgCompileAtmosphere(), lgFileReadable(), lgValidASCIIFile(), lgValidBinFile(), NMODS_HCA, NMODS_HELIUM, NMODS_HNI, NMODS_HpHE, NMODS_HYDR, NMODS_PG1159, RauchInitialize(), and RauchReadMPP().

Referenced by ParseCompile().

Here is the call graph for this function:

long RauchInterpolateCOWD ( double  val[],
long *  nval,
long *  ndim,
bool  lgList,
double *  Tlow,
double *  Thigh 

RauchInterpolateCOWD get one of the Rauch C/O white dwarf model atmospheres

Definition at line 1267 of file stars.cpp.

References AS_DATA_OPTIONAL, CheckVal(), stellar_grid::command, DEBUG_ENTRY, grid, stellar_grid::ident, InitGrid(), InterpolateRectGrid(), stellar_grid::name, t_rfield::nflux_with_check, rfield, and stellar_grid::scheme.

Referenced by ParseTable().

Here is the call graph for this function:

long RauchInterpolateHCa ( double  val[],
long *  nval,
long *  ndim,
bool  lgHalo,
bool  lgList,
double *  Tlow,
double *  Thigh 

RauchInterpolateHCa get one of the Rauch H-Ca model atmospheres, originally by K. Volk

Definition at line 1175 of file stars.cpp.

References AS_DATA_OPTIONAL, CheckVal(), stellar_grid::command, DEBUG_ENTRY, grid, stellar_grid::ident, InitGrid(), InterpolateRectGrid(), stellar_grid::name, t_rfield::nflux_with_check, rfield, and stellar_grid::scheme.

Referenced by ParseTable().

Here is the call graph for this function:

long RauchInterpolateHelium ( double  val[],
long *  nval,
long *  ndim,
bool  lgList,
double *  Tlow,
double *  Thigh 

RauchInterpolateHelium get one of the Rauch pure helium model atmospheres

Definition at line 1323 of file stars.cpp.

References AS_DATA_OPTIONAL, CheckVal(), stellar_grid::command, DEBUG_ENTRY, grid, stellar_grid::ident, InitGrid(), InterpolateRectGrid(), stellar_grid::name, t_rfield::nflux_with_check, rfield, and stellar_grid::scheme.

Referenced by ParseTable().

Here is the call graph for this function:

long RauchInterpolateHNi ( double  val[],
long *  nval,
long *  ndim,
bool  lgHalo,
bool  lgList,
double *  Tlow,
double *  Thigh 

RauchInterpolateHNi get one of the Rauch H-Ni model atmospheres

Definition at line 1207 of file stars.cpp.

References AS_DATA_OPTIONAL, CheckVal(), stellar_grid::command, DEBUG_ENTRY, grid, stellar_grid::ident, InitGrid(), InterpolateRectGrid(), stellar_grid::name, t_rfield::nflux_with_check, rfield, and stellar_grid::scheme.

Referenced by ParseTable().

Here is the call graph for this function:

long RauchInterpolateHpHe ( double  val[],
long *  nval,
long *  ndim,
bool  lgList,
double *  Tlow,
double *  Thigh 

RauchInterpolateHpHe get one of the Rauch hydrogen plus helium model atmospheres

Definition at line 1351 of file stars.cpp.

References AS_DATA_OPTIONAL, CheckVal(), stellar_grid::command, DEBUG_ENTRY, grid, stellar_grid::ident, InitGrid(), InterpolateRectGrid(), stellar_grid::name, t_rfield::nflux_with_check, rfield, and stellar_grid::scheme.

Referenced by ParseTable().

Here is the call graph for this function:

long RauchInterpolateHydr ( double  val[],
long *  nval,
long *  ndim,
bool  lgList,
double *  Tlow,
double *  Thigh 

RauchInterpolateHydr get one of the Rauch pure hydrogen model atmospheres

Definition at line 1295 of file stars.cpp.

References AS_DATA_OPTIONAL, CheckVal(), stellar_grid::command, DEBUG_ENTRY, grid, stellar_grid::ident, InitGrid(), InterpolateRectGrid(), stellar_grid::name, t_rfield::nflux_with_check, rfield, and stellar_grid::scheme.

Referenced by ParseTable().

Here is the call graph for this function:

long RauchInterpolatePG1159 ( double  val[],
long *  nval,
long *  ndim,
bool  lgList,
double *  Tlow,
double *  Thigh 

RauchInterpolatePG1159 get one of the Rauch PG1159 model atmospheres

Definition at line 1239 of file stars.cpp.

References AS_DATA_OPTIONAL, CheckVal(), stellar_grid::command, DEBUG_ENTRY, grid, stellar_grid::ident, InitGrid(), InterpolateRectGrid(), stellar_grid::name, t_rfield::nflux_with_check, rfield, and stellar_grid::scheme.

Referenced by ParseTable().

Here is the call graph for this function:

bool StarburstCompile ( process_counter pc)

StarburstCompile, rebin Starburst99 model output to match energy grid of code

Definition at line 1498 of file stars.cpp.

References AS_LOCAL_ONLY_TRY, DEBUG_ENTRY, fprintf(), ioQQQ, lgCompileAtmosphere(), lgFileReadable(), lgValidASCIIFile(), lgValidBinFile(), SB_TOTAL, and StarburstInitialize().

Referenced by ParseCompile().

Here is the call graph for this function:

bool StarburstInitialize ( const char  chInName[],
const char  chOutName[],
sb_mode  mode 

Create .ascii file out of Starburst99 output

Definition at line 1379 of file stars.cpp.

References AS_LOCAL_ONLY, DEBUG_ENTRY, exp10(), fp_equal(), fprintf(), INPUT_LINE_LENGTH, ioQQQ, MNTS, NSB99, open_data(), read_whole_line(), SB_NEBULAR, SB_STELLAR, SB_TOTAL, TotalInsanity(), VERSION_ASCII, WriteASCIIData(), and WriteASCIIHead().

Referenced by ParseCompile(), and StarburstCompile().

Here is the call graph for this function:

int TlustyCompile ( process_counter pc)

TlustyCompile rebin Tlusty OSTAR2002 stellar models to match energy grid of code

Definition at line 1522 of file stars.cpp.

References AS_LOCAL_ONLY_TRY, DEBUG_ENTRY, fprintf(), ioQQQ, lgCompileAtmosphere(), lgFileReadable(), and lgValidBinFile().

Referenced by ParseCompile().

Here is the call graph for this function:

long TlustyInterpolate ( double  val[],
long *  nval,
long *  ndim,
tl_grid  tlg,
const char *  chMetalicity,
bool  lgList,
double *  Tlow,
double *  Thigh 

TlustyInterpolate get one of the Tlusty OSTAR2002 model atmospheres

Definition at line 1590 of file stars.cpp.

References AS_DATA_OPTIONAL, CheckVal(), stellar_grid::command, DEBUG_ENTRY, grid, stellar_grid::ident, InitGrid(), InterpolateRectGrid(), stellar_grid::name, t_rfield::nflux_with_check, rfield, stellar_grid::scheme, TL_BSTAR, TL_OBSTAR, TL_OSTAR, and TotalInsanity().

Referenced by ParseTable().

Here is the call graph for this function:

int WernerCompile ( process_counter pc)

WernerCompile rebin Werner stellar atmospheres to match cloudy energy grid

Definition at line 1651 of file stars.cpp.

References AS_LOCAL_ONLY_TRY, DEBUG_ENTRY, fprintf(), ioQQQ, lgCompileAtmosphere(), lgFileReadable(), and lgValidBinFile().

Referenced by ParseCompile().

Here is the call graph for this function:

long WernerInterpolate ( double  val[],
long *  nval,
long *  ndim,
bool  lgList,
double *  Tlow,
double *  Thigh 

WernerInterpolate read in and interpolate on Werner grid of PN atmospheres, by K Volk

Definition at line 1690 of file stars.cpp.

References AS_DATA_OPTIONAL, CheckVal(), stellar_grid::command, DEBUG_ENTRY, grid, stellar_grid::ident, InitGrid(), InterpolateRectGrid(), stellar_grid::name, t_rfield::nflux_with_check, rfield, and stellar_grid::scheme.

Referenced by ParseTable().

Here is the call graph for this function:

int WMBASICCompile ( process_counter pc)

WMBASICCompile rebin WMBASIC stellar models to match energy grid of code

Definition at line 1744 of file stars.cpp.

References AS_LOCAL_ONLY_TRY, DEBUG_ENTRY, fprintf(), ioQQQ, lgCompileAtmosphere(), lgFileReadable(), and lgValidBinFile().

Referenced by ParseCompile().

Here is the call graph for this function:

long WMBASICInterpolate ( double  val[],
long *  nval,
long *  ndim,
bool  lgList,
double *  Tlow,
double *  Thigh 

WMBASICInterpolate read in and interpolate on WMBASIC grid of hot star atmospheres

Definition at line 1763 of file stars.cpp.

References AS_DATA_OPTIONAL, CheckVal(), stellar_grid::command, DEBUG_ENTRY, grid, stellar_grid::ident, InitGrid(), InterpolateRectGrid(), stellar_grid::name, t_rfield::nflux_with_check, rfield, and stellar_grid::scheme.

Referenced by ParseTable().

Here is the call graph for this function: