32 for(
size_t nd=0; nd <
bin.size(); nd++ )
35 dhtot +=
55 " gas heating by grain photoionization");
58 " gas heating by thermionic emissions of grains ");
61 "gas cooling by collisions with grains ");
64 " gas heating by collisions with grains ");
67 " total grain heating by all sources, lines, collisions, incident continuum ");
70 " grain heating by incident continuum ");
73 " grain heating due to destruction of Ly alpha ");
76 " grain heating due to collisions with gas ");
79 " grain heating due to diffuse fields, may also have grain emission ");
LinSv * linadd(double xEmiss, realnum wavelength, const char *chLab, char chInfo, const char *chComment)
sys_float safe_div(sys_float x, sys_float y, sys_float res_0by0)
double heating(long nelem, long ion)
#define DEBUG_ENTRY(funcname)
sys_float SDIV(sys_float x)
long int StuffComment(const char *chComment)