Welcome! We will use this ftp site for files we use during the workshop. You should bookmark it so that you can get to quickly. The file CloudyBelfast15.tar.gz is a special version of Cloudy for our use. It is not a publicly released version of the code and should not be used in publications. We hope that a version similar to this will soon become the 2015 release of Cloudy. The files QuickStart.pdf, hazy1.pdf, and hazy2.pdf, are the code's documentation. You should be able to view these files during the workshop. Please don't print them. Please look over QuickStart.pdf, the code's Quick Start Guide, before the workshop. The two files Ferland.G98CLOUDY-90--Numerical-Simulation-of-Plasmas.pdf and Ferland.G13The-2013-Release-of.pdf are the 1998 and 2013 reviews of Cloudy. They are on the ADS at http://cdsads.u-strasbg.fr/abs/1998PASP..110..761F http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2013RMxAA..49..137F I am looking forward to meeting everyone in Belfast! Gary