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allocator_avx< T > Member List

This is the complete list of members for allocator_avx< T >, including all inherited members.

allocate(size_type n, typename allocator_avx< void >::const_pointer=NULL)allocator_avx< T >inline
allocator_avx()allocator_avx< T >inline
allocator_avx(const allocator_avx &a)allocator_avx< T >inline
allocator_avx(const allocator_avx< U > &)allocator_avx< T >inline
const_pointer typedefallocator_avx< T >
const_reference typedefallocator_avx< T >
deallocate(pointer p, size_type)allocator_avx< T >inline
difference_type typedefallocator_avx< T >
pointer typedefallocator_avx< T >
propagate_on_container_move_assignment typedefallocator_avx< T >
reference typedefallocator_avx< T >
size_type typedefallocator_avx< T >
value_type typedefallocator_avx< T >
~allocator_avx()allocator_avx< T >inline